博碩士論文 101352007 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorQing-zong Wangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract中文摘要 台北盆地在人口快速發展下,群聚於都市中,致與河爭地,然構 築堤防,實屬無法改變之事實,而盆地特殊地形與水爭地的結果,更 增加潛在危機,加上氣候變遷之不確定因素影響,更不利於未來盆地 發展,將直接或間接影響到防洪設施的功能與安全性,過去這些颱洪 事件災害及治水防洪建設成效,對河川沿岸經濟發展及人口變化動向 等相關議題,係為主要探討目的。 透過文獻回顧之形式,蒐集流域颱洪災害事件及治水防洪建設歷 程,綜整出颱洪災害之淹水範圍及台北橋洪水位之資料,以及治水防 洪建設日治時期、台北地區防洪計畫及基隆河整治等相關歷程資料, 歸納上述兩者相應性,經分析結果:台北橋洪水位從民國52年至75年 期間有明顯下降趨勢,而75年以後則為上升之趨勢;台北地區淹水範 圍自民國52年以後逐年縮減。而洪水位上升及淹水範圍大小,主要影 響在於降雨強度、延時、分布等因素。為瞭解過去防洪建設成效,本 研究以探討颱洪災害與治水防洪建設相應為主要目的,並對河道沖淤 變化、地層嚴重下陷及土地開發影響之關連性問題併予探討。 再透過人口統計相關網站,從防洪計畫相關時程(民國42、52、 62、70、80、90、103年)之河川沿岸主要地區人口統計消長數量, 與治水防洪建設歷程之分析比較,得到結果,人口消長趨勢與治水防 洪建設時期之關聯性,並對河川兩岸經濟發展、防洪保護標準、災害 防救及治水對策議題之討論。 II 綜整上述分析成果,冀望能提供日後相關研究人員做參考,使民 眾更暸解過去災害與防洪建設等資訊,並透過分析圖讓民眾知道防洪 建設之成效,並提供治水防洪建設政策擬定及檢討評估之參考。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractAbstract Due to the rapid population growth in Taipei Basin, residents are fighting for land with rivers, and building embankments is a reality that cannot be changed. The special landform of a basin and fighting for land with water increases potential risk. The uncertain effects of climate change are also disadvantageous to the basin’s future development, and will directly or indirectly impact the functionality and safety of flood prevention facilities. This paper examines the effect of past typhoon and flooding events, as well as the effectiveness of flood prevention facilities on economic development and population changes along the riverbank. After collecting data on typhoon and flooding events as well as the construction of flood prevention facilities through literature review, the paper summarizes the scope of flooding, flood levels at Taipei Bridge, construction of flood prevention facilities, Taipei’s flood prevention plan, and remediation of Keelung River. This paper then analyzes the correlation between the data, results are follows: the flood level at Taipei Bridge significantly declined from 1963 to 1986, but increased after 1986; the range of flooding in Taipei gradually decreased after 1963. Flood level rise and range of flooding are mainly affected by rainfall intensity, duration and distribution. To understand the effectiveness of flood prevention facilities, this paper examines the correlation between typhoon and flood disasters and the construction of flood prevention facilities, and IV also considers changes in riverway erosion and deposition, land subsidence, and land development. Changes in population along the riverbank are found through demographics websites, and the correlation with flood prevention facilities is found based on the timetable of flood prevention projects (1953, 1963, 1973, 1981, 1991, 2001, 2014). This paper further discusses economic development, flood prevention protection standards, disaster prevention and relief, and water control measures. The abovementioned analysis results are provided as a basis for future research, and for the public to understand past disasters and flood prevention facilities. Charts offer analysis of the effectiveness of flood prevention facilities. Finally, this paper can serve as reference for the formulation, review and evaluation of policies for flood prevention facilities.en_US
DC.subjectTamsui River Basinen_US
DC.subjectRiverbank Developmenten_US
DC.title河川防洪建設與河岸地區 發展變化之探討 以大台北地區防洪計畫為例zh_TW
DC.titleExploration of flood management plans on constructions of flood facilities and developments of ashore urban areas - Case study of the flood management plan of Taipei Metropolitan Areaen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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