博碩士論文 101356006 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorKuo-Lung Pengen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract我國環境教育法自2011年6月5日開始施行起至今已滿三年,回顧過去3年在環境教育認證推動上,面臨到許多的困難,反映出諸多問題。本研究的目的與內容,主要為(1)分析環境教育機構、設施場所、人員認證現況;(2)問卷調查桃園縣國中小教師和大專院校環境相關系所學生,對申請環境教育人員認證的認知及意願;(3)訪談中央與地方主管機關,於推動環境教育認證過程所遇到的問題;及(4)訪問調查已取得認證之環境教育機構、設施場所負責人,探討於申請認證過程,曾經遭遇到的困難。 本研究結果得知,目前臺北市與桃園縣,各擁有全國最多的4所環境教育機構認證通過。臺北市10家、宜蘭縣9家、桃園縣、南投縣和新北市各有7家環境教育設施場所認證通過。統計全國環境教育人員認證通過共有2,327人。教師向教育部申請通過環境教育人員認證通過共有802人。取得環境教育人員認證者,以環境教育研究所、環境相關系所畢業人員、及中小學校教師為主要來源。 環境教育機構申請認證過程遇到的問題,以授課的師資經歷證明及課程規劃內容為主。環境教育設施場所申請認證主要會遇到的問題,以課程教案撰寫困難為主。從法規面而言,我國環境教育認證,屬於行政核准軟性認證制度,故尚有許多爭議。從行政面而言,我國中央政府主管認證工作,地方政府推動認證輔導,並由中央對地方進行認證通過數量考核。從制度面而言,未來通過認證者,在滿五年後,需要面臨證照展延的申請,但目前認證展延作業與管理制度,尚不健全。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn Taiwan, Environmental Education Act has come into enforced for 3 years since 5th June, 2011. It reflects many problems when looking back the situations that met many difficulties in the process of executing and implementing environmental education certification during the period of the past three-year. The purposes and contents of this study were primarily (1) to analyze the current status of environmental education certification for institute, facility site and personnel; (2) to investigate the attitude and intention toward applying for certification of environmental education personnel by using questionnaire of the elementary and middle school teachers and the environmental related department students; (3) to understand the problems in the process of promoting the environmental education certification by interviewing the in-charge officers of central and local government; (4) to investigate the difficulties about applying for certification by visiting the responsible person of the certified environmental education institutes and facility sites. The results of this study indicated that there are 4 certified environmental education institutes up to now located in Taipei City and Taoyuan County, respectively. Also, there are 10 certified environmental education facility sites located in Taipei City, 9 in Yilan County, and 7 in Taoyuan County, Nantou County and New Taipei City, respectively. Furthermore, there are a total number of 2,327 certified environmental education personnel issued by Environmental Protection Administration, and 802 teachers and staffs are certified environmental education personnel approved by the Ministry of Education. Additionally, the major sources of certified environmental education personnel come from the background with the degree of environmental education and environmental related professions, as well as the teachers of elementary and middle schools. The mainly difficulties for applying certification of environmental education institutes were the preparation of the document for verifying the experiences of lecturers and the plan of environmental education curriculums. The mainly difficulty for environmental education facility sites to obtain certification was the writing of environmental education lesson plan. From the aspect of laws and regulations, the environmental education certification system is under the level of administrative approval. Therefore, it still exist many controversies and debates for the necessary of the certification system. From the viewpoint of administration, the central government is in charge the legislation and execution of environmental education certification, however, the local government is only responsible for the guidance and counsel of the certification appliers. Also, the central government audit and evaluate the performance of local government on the promotion of environmental education was based on the pass number of environmental education certification. It caused some complaints from local government. From the aspect of certification system, the certified ones is required to apply for certification extension after five years of obtaining certification, but the extension operation and management system is still not set up yet. en_US
DC.subjectenvironmental educationen_US
DC.subjectenvironmental education instituteen_US
DC.subjectenvironmental education facility siteen_US
DC.subjectenvironmental education personnelen_US
DC.titleCurrent Status and Problem of Environmental Education Certification for Institute, Facility site and Personnelen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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