博碩士論文 101427025 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorJi-hong Shenen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract隨著日趨變動的環境下,職涯的內涵與發展的方式也開始變化,從早期單一傳統職涯研究到無疆界職涯的討論,職涯成功的定義出現多元的方向,並同時存在於實務當中。過去在職涯管理的領域中有許多以一般性人格來預測單一職涯成功的研究,但若在討論多元職涯成功的前提下,一般性人格可能出現較難以區分何者為預測傳統或無疆界職涯的成功,而在同時考慮傳統與無疆界職涯成功的前提之下,職涯目標為導向的人格特質會對傳統職涯成功或無疆界職涯成功應較有預測的效果。 然而在探討組織行為時,須同時考量個人要素與情境要素,除了部屬的職涯目標導向之外,教練可藉由多元的行為性技巧幫助員工找到與自我內心設定相符的目標,以提升績效、個人福祉、進而改善企業經營,對於員工的職涯發展上應具有相當程度的幫助。因此本研究除了探討個人職涯目標導向對部屬傳統與無疆界職涯成功的關聯性之外,也探討主管教練行為在個人職涯目標導向對部屬傳統與無疆界職涯成功的調節效果。 本研究樣本主要來自 45 家企業,產業分布於金融/保險業、一般製造業、服務業、高科技製造業,以及其他產業,並於兩段不同的時間透過紙本郵寄、電子郵寄以及親手轉交的方式發放問卷給主管與部屬做配對填答。研究結果顯示職涯晉升目標會正向影響傳統上的職涯成功;而職涯精熟目標則會正向影響無疆界職涯成功。顯示以職涯為導向的個人特質可以有效的預測職涯成功,更重要的是可以做有效的區分,證明了一個人的目標取向是影響職涯成功的重要決策。另外在主管教練行為的調節效果下,研究結果顯示,主管教練行為在職涯晉升目標與晉升力評分間有正向的調節作用,以及主管教練行為在職涯精熟目標與移動力評分間有正向的調節作用,且在高品質的主管教練行為調節下,個人職涯目標導向對部屬傳統與無疆界職涯成功會有較強的關聯性,也就是說,當考量個人與情境要素的交互作用後,更能有效地預測組織行為。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn today’s dynamic environment, career’s content and developing way starts to change. From earlier traditional career to nowadays boundaryless career, career success has diversified development in both definition and practice. In the past, many study used general personality to predict single career success. But when we talk about multiple career success, general personality might be hard to distinguish between traditional and boundaryless career success. And we think individual difference of career orientation can better able to predict traditional career success and boundaryless career success. However, when we study on organizational behavior, we should consider both individual and situational factors. So in this study, we try to find out the relation between Individual career goal orientation on subordinate’s traditional and boundaryless career success. We also use the Director coaching behavior as the moderate variable to find out the moderation in the relationship of subordinate’s traditional and boundaryless career success in this study. Our samples were drawn on different industries from 45 enterprises in Taiwan. And we use match questionnaires to the manager and his/her subordinate. Our findings are listed as follows. (1) Career advancement goals have a positive relationship with traditional career success. (2) Career mastery goals have a positive relationship with boundaryless career success. It shows that individual difference of career orientation can effectively predict career success. More importantly, we can effectively distinguish and prove that individual career orientation is an important factor in career success. Furthermore, when we use coaching behavior as the moderate variable, our study shows that (3) coaching behavior has a positive moderate on career advancement goals and promotability ratings. (4) Director coaching behavior also has a positive moderate on career mastery goals and mobility ratings. And (4) when the director coaching behavior had higher quality, the individual difference of career orientation were having stronger relationship on subordinate’s traditional career success and boundaryless career success. It means when we consider the interaction between individual and situational factors, we can better able to predict organizational behavior. en_US
DC.title個人職涯目標對傳統與無疆界職涯的影響 -以主管教練行為為調節變項zh_TW
DC.titleThe effect of Individual career goal on traditional career and boundaryless career ─Director coaching behavior as the moderate variableen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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