博碩士論文 101450024 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorChung-sheng Chuen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract有鑒於半導體產業的發展以及總體產業需求的快速變遷,由多個角度觀察,服務供應鏈的良莠已變得越來越關鍵。透過在服務供應鏈的投資和客戶滿意度之間取得適當平衡關係,並運用專業完善的服務供應鏈管理知識與經驗,將帶領半導體設備廠商在產業中立於不敗,佔有一席之地。事實上,在過去的幾年中如何具備全球視野的全球化供應鏈管理,已經顯著的成為各供應商殷切期盼的目標。 即使『快』和『成本效益』是在20世紀末90年代在管理供應鏈成功的關鍵因素,李效良教授(Hau. L. Lee),全球知名的供應鏈管理學者,目前為史丹佛大學商學院營運、資訊及技術研究所的教授,以及史丹佛大學全球供應鏈管理論壇的創辦者,於2004年於哈佛商業評論中發表了一篇期刊論文,『三A級的供應鏈』。文中李教授建議了企業應該以文中三個『A』,即高靈活度(Agility)、明快的適應性(Adaptability)及建立團隊目標共識(Alignment)作為企業供應鏈的目標,重新定位並打造其『3A級供應鏈』,協助企業完成其最終極的經營目標。此外,『惠普DeskJet印表機供應鏈』,由史丹佛大學商學院於2004年所發表。透過深入研究了解其中之『推遲策略』,協助惠普協助並重組其溫哥華和全球供應鏈,終致獲得階段性成功。延伸閱讀中,引用了Susan M. Rietze 於2006年在麻省理工學院所發表對『Postponement』推遲策略的論文及個案研究中,取其對『Postponement』理論及應用的適切說明作為理論之輔助。此三主要文獻研究即是本論文在理論上的基礎。 最後,透過研究兩個知名全球性半導體設備供應商(K公司 & R公司)實際供應鏈案例,了解他們在遭遇供應及需求失衡或客戶滿意度下降時,如何善用『Agility』、『Adaptability』、『Alignment』及『Postponement』的理念,掌握適當時機檢視問題,提出改善方案、制定改變策略、再造服務供應鏈,將服務供應鏈管理由原來的『不滿源』,成功轉變為『競爭優勢』的成功案例,作為三份文獻在半導體設備產業的成功代言。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractAs the development of Semiconductor industry as well as the changes of indus-trial demands move fast, the service supply chain has become increasingly important in several perspectives. To be a successful equipment supplier in the industry, it would be the key to manage service supply chain by finding the right balance between supply chain investments and customer satisfaction. Managing the supply chain with global perspective has been significantly focused in the past years in the industry. While “Fast” and “Cost effective” were the key factors of success in managing supply chains in 1990s, Dr. Hau L. Lee, the director of the “Stanford Institute for Innovations in Developing Economies” and the “Global Supply Chain Manage-ment Forum” has published a journal paper with subject of “the Triple A Supply chain” in 2004, given the industry to redirect their focus in managing the supply chain by implementing the core principle of it in order to attain its ultimate suffi-ciency. In addition to this theory, the “HP Desktop Printer Supply Chain”, a well-known literature published by Stanford reviewed in 2004 also advised a key suc-cess factor, the “Postponement strategy” that was implemented by HP which assisted the company to reorganize their Vancouver and global supply chain, and to succeed. In the extended study, the “Case study of Postponement in the supply chain”, a thesis for Master of Science in transportation at Massachusetts Institute of Technology made by Susan M. Rietze in June 2006, helps us to better understand the theory of “Postponement” and its adequate applications in the industries,. These three important literatures are good enough for those who are working in the industry to take as a model of their service supply chain reengi-neering. Real case studies on two top-5 Semiconductor Inspection and Metrology Equipment Suppliers (Company K & Company R) are prepared to observe how they made improvement/reengineering to their service supply chains as well as the ways they developed the strategies, setting up their benchmarks and targeted metrics to transforming service supply chain management from a source of cus-tomer dissatisfaction into a competitive differentiator to the industry.en_US
DC.subjectervice Supply Chainen_US
DC.subjectMulti-Echelon Inventory Fulfilmenten_US
DC.subjectService localizationsen_US
DC.titleMaking Optimal Supply Chain Case Studies for Two Semiconductor Equipment Suppliersen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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