博碩士論文 101450041 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYi-ling Chenen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract早期進入中國的外資企業,均是為了利用中國大陸廉價的勞動力及價格低廉的土地來進行生產,並且以出口為主要業務。但因中國內需市場的消費力逐漸的崛起,多數的新生代農民工,尤其是1990年以後出生的青年,大多不願待工廠做作業員,對於工廠機械式的管理也深感排斥。諸多的台資企業尚未真正意識到其所面臨的勞動爭議風險,企業本身缺乏在日常經營管理過程中辨別、評估、控制勞動爭議風險的能力。中國於 2008 年1 月1 日施行的『勞動合同法』其目的不僅要保護勞工,其另一層背後的目的就是想以企業成本及經濟的力量迫使境內產業升級,淘汰不良及低端企業。 現今中國已經進入到了勞動力、匯率、土地、環境保護、智慧財?權保護等成本全面上升的時代,過去利用中國大陸作為廉價生產基地,而現今加工出口的經營模式面臨調整,營運確實面臨前所未有的挑戰,台商應如何面對?重新思考企業的定位將是將來長遠的策略,台商所面對的總總問題層出不窮;為此,本文從台資企業所面臨的現狀,對於有關勞動者切身利益的勞動報酬、工作時間、休息休假、勞動安全衛生、保險福利等的完善進行討論。本論文以作者實際管理中國地區公司的經驗為例,提供自決策層面和執行層面包括整理更新公司規章制度、建立工會、招聘的變化、勞動合同管理、經濟補償金的執行、平時證據的收集保管以因應勞資爭議、維持良好員工關係等的簡析,透過以上改善措施,做為台商企業在中國投資的參考。 中國大陸市場之競爭環境,越來越嚴苛,其中一項隱性成本,就是勞動爭議處理,尤其台資生產企業經常發生的廠內運作模式及經常遇到的勞動爭議案。本論文乃以近年中國大陸地區發生之各類勞動爭議之案例分析,包括解除合同、試用期約定工資、招用童工、未辦理社會保險、嚴重違反規章制度而解除勞動合同、上下班途中發生交通意外、職工提供虛假病歷、因公司出資讓員工參加培訓的爭議、加班?計算基數、外國人要求簽訂無固定期限勞動合同的權利主張等勞動爭議;本研究就中國勞動爭議等相關隱含風險,並搭配中國法規條例及行政命令來建議台資企業避免發生風險的經營做法,製作相應表單。將重點式的獎懲制度細化等級,以利企業可參考執行,促進良好之勞動關係。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn early years, foreign-invested corporations in China took advantages of low-cost Chinese labor and lands to manufacture goods for export. As China’s demand for internal market rose, young workers, especially those born after 1990’s, became un-accepting to the ‘robotic’ management style in the manufacturing environment, and were unwilling to work as manual labor in the factories. In early years, most Taiwanese-invested corporations were not aware of the risks of labor disputes, as they lacked the ability to distinguish, evaluate, and control labor disputes from day-to-day management processes. However, China’s ‘Labor Contract Law’ implemented on January 1st, 2008 not only protected the workers, but also intended to eliminate unhealthy and low-end corporations through higher operating costs. China has entered the era of increasing costs of labor, currency, lands, environmental protection and intellectual property rights. While companies enjoyed years of low-cost manufacturing, once the ‘export processing’ operating model gradually became re-structured, corporations faced unprecedented challenges. How Taiwanese-invested corporations took challenges and re-evaluated their position closely mattered to their long-term strategies. As Taiwanese-invested corporations in China face all types of challenges, this research is based on the current situations which Taiwanese-invested corporations are in, including labor wages, work time, rest time, labor safety and sanitation, compensation and salary. The author of this research provided her own experiences of managing the following issues while working in the Taiwanese-invested companies in China: establishing new company rules and regulations, setting up labor union, recruiting, managing labor contracts, implementing compensations…etc. and it can be used as management references for Taiwanese-invested corporations in China. As the competitive environment in China has gotten more severe, labor disputes have become one of the major hidden costs that happen in the Taiwanese manufacturing operations and environment. This research analyzes recent labor dispute cases, including contract termination, probationary wages, child labor employment, non-application of social insurance, termination due to violations of rules and regulations, traffic accidents while commute, medical history fraud, company training, overtime wages calculation, non-fixed term labor contract demanded by foreign employees…etc. This research discussed relevant risks of Chinese labor, through Chinese laws and regulations to advise Taiwanese-invested corporations to lower risks, and to make correlating spreadsheet. It focuses on categorizing the reward and punishment system for corporation to execute, thus promote good labor relations.en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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