博碩士論文 101450043 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorWei-yao Liangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract勞務派遣源於哪個國家,普遍有兩種說法。有的說勞務派遣起源於1920年美國的Samuel Workman開創的租賃支援服務。他雇用了一批已婚婦女,在夜間處理盤點工作,稍後又訓練婦女操作計算器,滿足企業當時的臨時或短期用工需求。歐洲大法官(Generalanwalt)Alain Dutheillet de Lamothe持另一種看法認為派遣機構起源於英國。但是,不論其源於哪個國家,勞務派遣廣受關注始於上世紀六七十年代,迄今已近50多年的歷史。現在,相當多國家,或多或少都存在勞務派遣用工形式。但勞務派遣占就業人口的比例不高,是種非主流、靈活就業方式。 中國勞務派遣始於1980年的外商代表處用工,當時主要出於國家安全考慮;初步發展於上世紀90年代末,主要為了解決國有企業下崗失業人員和農村勞動力的有序流動;較快發展于《勞動合同法》頒佈實施前後,主要由於企業規避無固定期限合同、降低人工成本以及勞動力市場資源配置等需要。 隨著經濟全球化的深化,特別是企業核心競爭力理論和供應鏈管理理論的提出,越來越多的組織意識到要想在一個競爭激烈的市場上成為優勝者,必須要有配套的柔性流動員工隊伍來提高組織的回應速度和加強對成本的控制,這就人才派遣業有了更多的需求。從中國的派遣業發展情況來看,其高速發展期也不過最近三四年的時間,但勢頭強勁。儘管目前中國的人才派遣行業與境外還有相當大的差距,但其市場巨大、前景廣闊已是不爭的事實。勞務派遣在短短幾年的時間裡,實現了從無到有,從小到大的高速發展。 此次論文將針對中國勞務派遣行業具體說明,並就中國勞務派遣的發展現狀、運作過程中存在的問題及在促進就業方面的作用進行探討,並以無錫某勞務派遣服務公司為案例,探討勞務派遣行業的發展趨勢,同時分析在市場環境變動下,個案公司為因應市場發展,制定相應的行銷策略和優勢競爭策略,以因應市場環境的改變及同業間競爭,滿足目標顧客的需求,形成企業的競爭優勢。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractLabor dispatch from which country, generally have two kinds of views. Some say the labor dispatch originated in 1920 American Samuel Workman′s leasing services. He hired a number of married women in the night processing, inventory, later training women operation calculator, meet the enterprise at the time of the temporary or short-term employment demand. The European Justice (Generalanwalt) Alain Dutheillet de Lamothe hold another view that the dispatch organization originated in Britain. But, regardless of its source in which country, the labor dispatch wide attention began in the sixty or seventy′s of last century, has nearly 50 years of history. Now, quite a number of countries are more or less the form of the labor dispatch. But the labor dispatch for the employment to population ratio is not high, is a kind of non mainstream, flexible forms of employment. China dispatch began in 1980 the foreign representative office worker, was mainly for national security reasons; initial development in the 90′s of the last century, mainly in order to flow in order to solve laid-off workers in state-owned enterprises and the rural labor force; and rapid development in the "labor contract law" promulgated and implemented, mainly because enterprises avoid the non fixed term contract, reduce labor costs and labor market allocation of resources needed. With the deepening of economic globalization, especially the core competence theory of the enterprise and supply chain management theory, more and more organizations realize that in order to become a winner in the fierce competition in the market, must have a flexible flow staff supporting to improve the organization′s response speed and strengthen cost control, this is talent dispatch industry has more demand. Although Chinese talent dispatch industry and overseas and there is still a considerable gap, but the market is huge, prospect is an indisputable fact. Labor dispatch in just a few years time, the rapid development from scratch, from small to large. This thesis will send industry specific instructions for China labor, status, and Chinese dispatching operation process and the problems in the discussion in the role of promoting employment, and in Wuxi a labor dispatch Service Corporation as a case, the development trend of the labor dispatch industry, at the same time, analysis of changes in the environment of market, the case company due to the development of the market, making marketing strategy and competitive strategy corresponding to the competition, due to changing market environment and industry, to meet the needs of target customers, the formation of the competitive advantage of enterprises.en_US
DC.subjectlabor dispatchen_US
DC.subjectChinese marketen_US
DC.subjectstrategy advantageen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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