博碩士論文 101450049 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorHsu-chen Tsengen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract海峽兩岸隨著政治、經濟、文化、民間交流及各項機制的建制與架構,彼此間各項經濟活動越發密切。期間透過頻繁且日趨常態的經濟流通,致使兩岸企業人才的流動趨勢和型態更加複雜與多變。兩岸企業在過去的數年裏就人力資源的挖掘、啟發、培育、考核及任用都花費了極大的成本,但效果上卻仍不顯著。中國大陸自1978年改革開放至今,台灣與中國大陸兩岸間的人力資源從台灣企業直接的外派西進,演變至今甚已有投入中資企業就職的趨勢,可見中國大陸對人才的扶植及培養管理意識的崛起讓其在扮演全球人才資源庫的角色中墊定了強有力的基礎。 對於遊走在兩岸職場上的求職者而言,選擇西進赴中國大陸發展者絕多數是希望藉此在職場收穫成果,希望就外派的途徑追求更快的晉升機會,因此〝晉升機會〞成為職工職場成功的重要指標。現今實務界中企業經營者慣以〝績效潛能矩陣〞作為衡量評斷職工晉升的制度,衡量界於職工在業務上所展現的行為過程、最終呈現的工作績效成果,與職工對總體職場環境的適應力、主動學習意願、與企業組織價值的適配度等特質和能力作為其晉升力評分的依據。然現今全球化商業活動進展快速,企業組織置身於極為複雜且異動頻繁的經營環境之中,企業組織實體變得更為龐大與多元,欲憑藉以過去與現在為導向的變數(職工工作中的表現、最終績效成果)作為衡量的基準實已無法完全預測職工在更高職位的表現。尤其是在中國大陸這個強調人際關析的傳統環境之中,員工部屬與主管的互動關析、互動頻率與情感的投入程度對其晉升自然存在一定的影響,因此調增未來導向的潛能變數作為職工晉升考量的比重,可能更能夠準確地晉升到相對合適的部屬。 本研究主要透過問卷發放,調查兩岸共34家營造、建築業,樣本以紙本郵寄、電子郵件與親自交付的方式發放。以配對的方式請主管就直屬部屬的潛能、工作績效作為晉升力導向進行評分,受評部屬則填具對應直屬主管的適配性問卷。迴歸分析結果發現任務性績效與潛能與晉升力評分間有顯著正向關聯性。 關鍵字:工作績效、潛能 、主管部屬交換關係、 晉升力評分 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractWith the development in politics, economy, culture, non-government communication and the establishment of many institutions, the economic relationship between Mainland and Taiwan is getting closer and closer. Due to frequent and increasing economic circulation during this period, the tendency and pattern of enterprise talents between Mainland and Taiwan become more complicated and variable. In the past several years, both sides have paid huge cost for the excavation, inspiration, training, assessment and employment; however, its effect didn’t work successfully. Since the economic reform and opening-up policy in 1978, the enterprise human resources between Mainland and Taiwan have evolved from directly external assignment extension to the west in Taiwan enterprises into position tendency in China-invested enterprises; therefore, the enterprise talents cultivation and management awareness improvement in Mainland laid a strong foundation in the role of global human recourses. As for the applicants in Mainland and Taiwan human resource market, these people who prefer to pursue a job in Mainland hope to make an achievement in their career and get more promotion prospect; therefore, promotion prospect becomes the most important symbol of a successful career. In modern society, enterprise operator often use “Performance Potential Matrix” as a measure system to judge employee promotion, to measure employees ’behavior process, final performance achievement and adaptability in overall workplace environment, initiative learning willingness, and character and ability with adaptation of the enterprise value as the basis of the promotion ability. However, due to the fast development of global commercial activities the enterprise have been put in a more complicated and frequently move environment. The enterprise organization become more enormous and diverse and then depend on this method guided by the past and present variables (employee performance, final performance achievement) as a benchmark can’t totally predict the employees’ performance in a higher position. Especially in traditional culture in Mainland China to emphasis on the relationship analysis, the interactive relationship, interactive frequency and emotion devotion between employee and executive will affect the promotion to some extent, therefore, increasing the potential variant of future orientation as the proportion of employee promotion so that they can accurately get an appropriate subordinate promotion chance. This research is delivered through questionnaire survey to 34 companies in building and construction business from both Mainland and Taiwan, the questionnaire will be issued by paper post, E-mail or delivery in person to the participants. The questionnaires were paired by managers and their subordinates. The potential and performance were evaluated by managers and person-supervisor fit was evaluated by managers’ subordinates. The results of regression analysis indicate that employees’ potential and task performance have positively related to promotability ratings. Keywords: task performance, potential, leader-member exchange, promotability rating en_US
DC.subjecttask performanceen_US
DC.subjectleader-member exchangeen_US
DC.subjectpromotability ratingen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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