博碩士論文 101453021 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract在過去有可能因為網路商家規模不夠大,銀行並不會協助處理金流的問題。而信用卡的付費,由於申請門檻高及手續費的限制,對於交易金額不大的賣家,將額外帶來營運成本。反之,對買家來說,也許只是花很低的價格購買App軟體,卻因此要多分擔刷卡手續費,同樣不划算,但去銀行轉帳又不方便,加上網路交易潛藏著信任風險,如何強化買賣雙方在虛擬網路交易的信賴度,值得重視。加上近年來兩岸交易頻繁,網際網路的透通性更加速兩岸的電子商務交易,隨著網路購物需求擴大,基於個資保密、貨款價金保管、賣方降低收款成本以及提供買家更為便利安全的付款工具等需求,故第三方支付服務應運。 近年來隨著電子商務的發展,國內的第三方支付服務也蓬勃發展中,不論是金融業者或非金融機構都想進入這個市場,本研究透過分析外部環境的變化趨勢,了解個案銀行的經營策略以及目前第三方支付業務發展狀況,進而分析比較現行臺灣金融業已經運行第三方支付服務之商業模式及其價值主張與相對競爭優勢,以期對個案銀行未來第三方支付業務應如何發展提出建議。 本研究以第三方支付產業中的金融機構作為研究對象,進行第三方支付服務之探討與分析。本研究整理第三方支付及銀行業等文獻,並以訪談法,個案分析法,次級資料分析進行資料蒐集,研究方法採用波特五力分析進行第三方支付產業結構分析,並根據SWOT理論分析法針對金融機構發展第三方支付進行探討,從四項構面分析利弊及得失,訪談其他已推行第三方支付業務的金融機構,以商業模式為理論基礎,探討各家金融機構的商業模式,藉他山之石,對於個案銀行提出建議與未來因應之道。 研究結果顯示第三方支付服務競爭激烈,但目前第三方支付專法還未施行,故金融機構仍具優勢。而金融機構發展第三方支付平台模式,除了自建平台之外,也與第三方支付業者合作,引進更多的潛在消費族群,並提供全方位金流服務。各家金融機構競爭策略與經營模式不同,來滿足不同客群,增加客戶黏著度。展望未來第三方支付需要做到跨境、跨國支付,與行動支付結合,並發展O2O商務模式才能增加客群,產生其他的收益流,以維持企業之營運。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIt is possible that due to the limited scale of the e-buissness, the banks do not help deal with the problem of cash flows. Paying with credit cards leads to the additional cost to small transaction sellers, because of the high application threshold and the limitation of the service charge. Conversely, it is also not worthy for the buyers, who may have additional service charges buying Apps with credit cards. Not to mention the inconveneince in direct bank transfers, and the possible fraud hidden in the online transactions. Thus, it is necessary to strengthen the reliability over virtual online tradings. Especially, with the rising trade frequency between cross-straits, the internet transparency accelerates e-commerce transactions. Therefore third-party payment service arises at an opportunity among the prospering online shopping needs, providing the protection and confidentiality of personal information, the escrow of payment, reducing costs for collection, and more convenient secure payment tools, etc. With the development of e-commerce in recent years, the domestic third-party payment service is booming as well, whether financial or non-financial institutions are eagerly joining this market. Through analyzing the trends in the external environment, this study focuses on the business strategy of the case bank and the current third-party payment business development, and further interprets and compares the business models of third-party payment services having been running in Taiwan, its value proposition, and relative ompetitive advantages. The purpose is to make recommendations for the case bank on how to develop third-party payment services in the future. Subjects chosen for the research are the financial institutions of the third party payment industry. Data was collected from relevant literatures, in-depth face-to-face interviews, secondary data analysis, and case study analysis. This study adopts Porter’s Five Forces Model to analyze the industry structure of the third-party payment service, as well as through SWOT analysis for financial institutions to explore the development of third-party payment. Finally, with the analysis of the pros and cons from the four dimensions interviews, we thus provide suggestions to other financial institutions having been implemented third-party payment service. The results show that the third-party payment service is in an intense competition. However, there is still no specifically designed law for the implementment, so the financial institutions remain competitive advantage. While building the platform model for the third-party payment, financial institutions not only can create the platform by themselves, but also can collaborate with third-party payment companies by providing a full range of payment services to raise the population of more potential consumer groups. In order to have higher customer loyalties, various financial institutions have different competitive strategies and business models to meet customers demand. The third-party payment needs to provide cross-border, international payments, and to develop the O2O(Online To Offline) business model in order to increase customer base, generate additional revenue streams in order to maintain the entity′s operations .en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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