博碩士論文 101456009 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorHsiu Ching Linen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstractSO國際標準建置多年,但對越來越多的標準產生,企業如何因應以維持經營管理績效、永續經營、風險控管、人事與成本節省,這是不可不重視的議題,也是必須面對的課題。 本研究乃藉由對個案公司在管理系統整合的經驗,以過程導向的系統架構,運用PDCA的模式,進行系統化的評估、整合規劃、導入與持續改善等活動,讓新的管理系統能夠順利融入企業的既有作業活動。在探討管理系統整合的方法時,提出文件、權責、及流程整合的可行性建議,並透過簡易的計算方法,以客觀的數據呈現企業內部整合程度,取代主觀的判斷。 透過本研究提供的整合方法,不論產業特性、規模大小或領域為何,希望本研究能被適用與被採用,成為公司營運成長的基礎,以提升競爭力。因此,管理系統整合的完整性與成功的關鍵,所得結論如下: 1. 文件整合可行性評估:運用這些國際標準的共通原則與系統架構,達成文件整合目的,不僅簡化文件與作業管理,更能提高工作效率。 2. 各部門之間的流程整合,合作無間:透過流程導向的方式建置管理系統,並以烏龜圖的架構,將主流程、管理與支援流程之間的關係緊密結合。 3. 各部門之間的權責分工,各司其職:流程管理員角色與職責劃分,並運用流程電子化與持續改善活動的進行,讓部門間溝通更有效率。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractISO international standard has been built for years, however an increasing number of multiple-standards have produced. How to properly respond in order to maintain the enterprise management performance, sustainable management, risk management, personnel and cost savings, it is impossible to ignore, we necessarily have to face the subject. This study by the management of the case is in systems integration experience to the process-oriented system architecture, the use of the PDCA model, a systematic assessment, integration planning, implementation and continuous improvement activities. So that the new management system can be successfully fitted into existing operating activities. In discussing management system integrated approach, proposed the feasibility of documents, responsibilities, and process integration, and through simple calculation method, based on objective data showing the extent of integration of internal business, replacing subjective judgments. Furthermore, through this study provides with integrated approach, regardless of industry characteristics, size or field, I expect this study can be applicable and to be adopted, becoming the foundation for the growth of organization operations according to enhance their competitiveness. Hence, the key to success of completeness and management systems integration we concluded as follows: 1. Document integration feasibility assessment: the use of these international standards of common principles and system architecture are mainly to achieve the purpose of document integration, simplify file management and operations and boost efficiency. 2. Inter-departmental process integration and collaboration: build up management system through process-oriented approach and turtle diagram, will be closely linked relationship among the core process, management process and support processes. 3. Division of responsibilities between departments, carry-out their own duties: roles and responsibilities of the process owner, and the use of electronic workflow and continuous improvement activities, so that inter-departmental communication is much more efficient and smooth. en_US
DC.subject品質管理(ISO 9001)zh_TW
DC.subject環境管理(ISO 14001)zh_TW
DC.subject職業安全衛生(OHSAS 18001)zh_TW
DC.subject能源管理(ISO 50001)zh_TW
DC.subjectIntegrated Management Systemen_US
DC.subjectQuality managementen_US
DC.subjectEnvironment Managementen_US
DC.subjectOccupational Safety and Health Managementen_US
DC.subjectEnergy Managementen_US
DC.title整合性管理系統之建置研究 – 以A公司之管理系統整合為例zh_TW
DC.titleThe study of the implementation of integrated management system –A case study of the A companyen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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