博碩士論文 101457018 完整後設資料紀錄

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DC.creatorYi-tsen Chouen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract為了因應全球化組織的競爭,除了產品及行銷須具備競爭力外,員工工作績效往往也成為決定企業勝負的關鍵。案例A公司規模屬於中型企業,集團員工人數約250人,面對現今經營規模大者恆大的同性質競爭對手,公司該如何提升中階主管管理能力及提高基層員工工作績效來迎戰對手?中階主管是組織經營成敗的關鍵因素,主管領導風格與人格特質影響員工績效,了解中階主管與員工之間的關係有助於組織績效提升。個案公司將透過研究了解目前中階主管的人格特質、領導風格與員工績效間的關聯,並作為個案公司中階主管遴選的方向及參考。研究針對個案公司的中階主管人格特質及領導風格與員工績效問卷調查,針對業務人員發出200份問卷,有效樣本為179分。 研究結果顯示: (一)、中階主管的人格特質與部屬的工作績效之間存在顯著的關聯性。 (二)、中階主管的領導風格與部屬的工作績效之間存在顯著的關聯性。 案例中A公司之階層迴歸模型可解釋嚴謹自律性與外向性這兩項人格特質、轉換型領導風格與員工高績效表現有高度關聯性。若希望能藉由此份研究為基礎,有效的適配調整主管人格特質與領導風格來增進員工績效。雖然人格特質難以短期改變,但可教導主管透過管理手法或領導行為協助員工改善績效,並協助主管善用人格特質優點讓主管有效發揮領導才能。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn response to the fierce competition among globalized organizations, not only must product and marketing strategies be competitive, but employee performance also becomes the key to enterprise’s success. In the case of this study, Company A is a mid-sized enterprise, with around 250 employees. While companies are facing the current homogeneous rivals in this operation scale of “Size-Does-Matter”, how can they advance the management capabilities of mid-level managers and the work performance of the entry-level employees in order to compete with their rivals? Mid-level managers are the key to the success of organization management. Managers’ leadership styles and personality traits influence employee’s performance. Understanding the relationship with managers and employees helps the advancement of organization performance greatly. The company in this case study was researched to probe into the association between the personality traits and leadership styles of mid-level managers and the work performance of employees as the guidelines of and the reference to the recruitment of mid-level managers for this company. A survey was conducted on personality traits and leadership styles of mid-level managers and the work performance of employees. 200 questionnaires were issued to sales staff with 179 valid samples. The result of the survey shows: 1. Statistically significant association is found between personality traits of mid-level managers and work performance of employees. 2. Statistically significant association is found between leadership styles of mid-level managers and the work performance of employees. In the study, the result of the hierarchical regression analysis can be explained as the high association among two personality traits, conscientiousness and extroversion, leadership of transformation and employee’s high work performance. If it is hope to effectively and properly adjust managers’ personality traits and leadership styles to elevate employee’s performance on the basis of this study, although it is difficult to change managers’ personality traits in the short term, it is possible to educated managers to assist employees with improving performance through management skills and leadership behavior and help managers utilize their positive personality traits to effectively exercise their leadership capabilities. Keywords: Leadership style, Personality, Job performance, leadership of transformation en_US
DC.subjectLeadership styleen_US
DC.subjectLeadership of Transformationalen_US
DC.subjectJob performanceen_US
DC.titleThe influence of the leadership styles and personality traits of mid-level managers on the work performance of employees-Taking the A Company as Exampleen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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