博碩士論文 101458008 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract中文摘要 銀行業在面臨競爭激烈的環境之下,行銷策略遠比在產品或價格上進行惡性競爭來得有用,銀行應該擬定出一個以顧客為導向的行銷策略,設法獲得新顧客及維持舊有顧客,與顧客維繫良好關係,獲得顧客滿意與忠誠,以達到永續經營之目的;臺灣中小企業一向在市場上極為活躍,是臺灣經濟發展不可或缺的基石,而在銀行業務中,中小企業在銀行金融服務所佔的比重逐年增加,更是銀行業務主要的成長動力之一,如何滿足中小企業多樣化的需求,已然成為銀行行銷管理重要的課題。 本研究採個案探討法,針對個案銀行在經營中小企業金融業務上,從STP行銷策略、行銷組合4P(產品、價格、通路、推廣)及顧客關係管理進行探討,觀察出臺灣銀行業者若要在中小企業市場中獲得顧客青睞,需先設法深入瞭解顧客需求,產品設計需以顧客導向為出發點,以滿足顧客需求,同時透過顧客關係管理系統的導入,以有效獲取、開發並留住企業最重要的顧客,創造銀行與顧客雙贏的局面。 本研究進一步選擇兩個案例說明個案銀行如何開發顧客,並建立、維繫、擴大與延伸顧客關係,研究發現個案銀行在中小企業市場因為能提出適切的行銷策略與做法,切中目標客群的需求,同時重視顧客關係管理,良好的行銷策略亦反應在其營運績效上,茲將對個案銀行的研究結論摘要如下:1.明確的顧客區隔與市場管理。2.提供中小企業全方位的金融服務與產品。3.以金融創新化解市場同質性過高的問題。4.需有精準的顧客服務規劃與策略。5.透過顧客關係管理提高顧客滿意度與忠誠度。 本研究亦建議個案銀行及其他有心經營中小企業客群的臺灣銀行業者,在行銷策略上可朝以下方向精進:銀行業務產品需多角化,提升非利息收入所佔的比重,滿足中小企業一站購足的需求,同時將行銷重點置於如何促進顧客忠誠,將顧客滿意度轉化為提升顧客的荷包占有率;另外劃分不同的市場區隔與目標市場,以提供更細緻的服務與商品,銀行在進行整合行銷之餘,亦要強化各部門的協力合作,提供兼具廣度與深度的服務,才能增進銀行經營的綜效。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractAbstract Facing the high competition in banking industry, commercial banks in Taiwan have realized that an efficient marketing strategy is far more useful than a price war. To implement a customer-oriented marketing strategy, banks need to attract new customers and keep existing customer satisfied and loyal. Small and medium enterprises Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) in Taiwan are famous for their activeness and flexibility for finding new business opportunities. SMEs therefore are considered as the main contributors to Taiwan′s economic growth. Developing a quality marketing strategy is therefore important for the banks to meet the various needs of SMEs. In this study we use the case study method and analyzes the banks that provide services to SMEs. Issues covered in this study ranges from STP (Segmentation, Market Targeting, Positioning) marketing strategy, marketing mix 4P (product, price, place, promotion),and customer relationship management. We observe that in general Taiwan′s banks have provided high quality services to their SME customers. Banks maintain a customer relationship management system in order to meet their customers’ needs in a timely and efficient manner. With such effort, banks are able to retain their important customers and create a win-win situation for both their customers and themselves. Two cases are selected for an in-depth investigation. We found that the banks considered in these cases adopt appropriate marketing strategies in order to understand the demands of their target customers. By focusing on customer relationship management, the case banks are able to achieve satisfactory performance. The conclusions of this study can be summarized as follows: (1) A clear customer relationship management strategy is highly valuable. (2) Banks need to provide a full range of financial services and products to SMEs. (3) Innovative financial products are useful in solving the problem of high market homogeneity. (4) Banks need to have a good planning for their services. (5) It is important for the banks to improve customer satisfaction and loyalty through managing customer relationship. A number of advices also are in order for the banks who wish to serve SMEs in Taiwan. First, a large variety of products is important. To save costs, SMEs prefer to purchase all needed products in the same bank. Second, a focused marketing strategy is mutually beneficial to both banks and customers. Banks can consider focusing on a target market segment or area in order to cater to their target companies. Lastly, to compete in an integrated market, banks need to work with companies in different sectors and provide a full range of quality services. en_US
DC.subjectSTP marketing strategyen_US
DC.subjectmarketing mixen_US
DC.subjectcustomer relationship managementen_US
DC.subjectcorporate financeen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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