博碩士論文 101525009 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorXin-chih Chenen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract在開發軟體的過程中,回歸測試是必不可少的程序,它可以確保開發者修改程式後,程式仍然能夠正常運行。由於回歸測試的過程是繁瑣且重複性高的,現今市面上有許多測試自動化的工具致力於解決這個問題。這些工具大多基於錄製/播放(Capture/Replay)的概念,通常的作法是紀錄使用者的操作後重播出來,以此模擬使用者的操作。而使用者的操作多與滑鼠和鍵盤有關,因此這些工具會以某種手段錄製與播放滑鼠與鍵盤事件,通常是透過特定的作業系統或平台來達成。 ADLINK是一家生產工業電腦的公司,他們希望在工業電腦的軟硬體測試中套用自動化測試工具。不幸的是,傳統的軟硬體測試的過程並不能保證待測物始終保持在同一作業系統或平台,導致現有的自動化測試工具並不能被套用。在本論文中,我們使用C#實做出一個自動化測試的工具Korat。Korat的運作基於錄製/播放的概念,不論待測物處於什麼平台都允許使用者進行測試錄製與播放。 由於Korat 採用的是錄製-播放的架構,使得錄成的測試案例相當容易受到使用者界面的影響。一旦使用者界面有所變更,根據傳統的錄製-播放的方法,使用者必須重新錄製測試案例,而原先錄好的回歸測試案例只有丟棄一途。因此本論文提出一套提高重用性(Reusability)的方法。使用者可以根據自己的需求將測試案例腳本切割成許多小部份,當使用者界面有所變更時,只須修改測試案例中與使用者界面相關的部份,藉此將重用性最大化。另外,測試判定準則(Test oracle)經常是回歸測試惱人的爭議點。Korat允許使用者使用字串斷言(Assertion)或圖片斷言。字串斷言使用的字串為使用者自行控制待測物藉由區域網路(LAN)傳回的訊息;而圖片斷言使用的圖片為安裝在Korat上,用以監控待測物狀態的影像擷取卡擷取的圖片。此外,我們讓ADLINK使用Korat作為自動化回歸測試的系統,實際評價此系統的可用性。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractRegression testing is an indispensable process in software development, which ensures stable features have not been adversely broken by new changes. Regression testing is tedious and repetitive in general, thus there are lots of test automation tools aimed at coping with the problem available in the market. One popular kind of tools is based on Capture/Replay (CR) concept. Its idea way is to capture users’ actions and then replay them to the system under test. Most of the users’ actions are related to mouse and keyboard, so the tools may capture mouse and keyboard events in different ways, typically with the help of operating systems (O.S.) or SDK. ADLINK is an industrial personal computer (IPC) company. Their testing needs require a test engineer to test the system from BIOS to different kinds of operating systems. Unfortunately, conventional capture/replay software testing tools must rely on an O.S. to work. In this paper, we implement a C#-based test automation tool named Korat. Korat is based on CR, which allows SUT to operate in any kind of environments. Since the concepts of Korat are based on CR, the test scripts are sensitive to graphical user interfaces (GUI). Once GUI is redesigned or changed, users may need to recapture the test cases. We propose a technique that increases the reusability of test scripts. Users can divide the test scripts into many small fragments as wish. When GUI is redesigned or changed, the only thing users need to do is modifying the fragments that is related to the GUI change. In addition, test oracle is another key issue in regression testing. Korat allows users to assert SUT′s status with strings or images. In string assertion, users can send the strings in screen output to Korat so that it can be asserted with the saved string in capture mode. In image assertion, users can grab images by a video capture card equipped on Korat, allowing users to assert the screen output of SUT. An evaluation is presented to demonstrate the usability of Korat, supported by the real usages by ADLINK. en_US
DC.subjectRegression testen_US
DC.subjectTest automationen_US
DC.subjectBIOS testingen_US
DC.titleKorat: An O.S.-independent Capture/Replay Test Automation Systemen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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