博碩士論文 101552022 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorGuang-ming Lien_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract閱讀一本書,對於作者而言,是希望讀者能夠依循自己編排的方式,一步一步地引導讀者理解自己想要傳達的知識內容;但對於讀者而言,以寫作者為例,可能需要瀏覽相當大量的書籍,找到想要的參考內容,才能完成寫作目標,在資料探索過程中勢必會花費很多時間,而且未必可以找到合適的資料。所以,我們希望找出一種解決方案,創建出一種新型態的電子書模式,讓使用者依據自己的經驗建立使用經驗案例,將這些案例集合起來變成一本知識手冊,提供其他使用者一個解決問題的方向,並且由使用者決定「如何去用」這些知識,達到社會大眾共同分享知識,共同建立電子書的目標。 本研究提出一個社會共同建立的電子書模式,讓使用者將紙本書數位化,並以字典的形式存在,作為Reference Book;另以使用者的經驗建立各種使用案例,這些案例集合起來為一本知識手冊,作為User Book,協助其他使用者從Reference Book之中,找到解決問題的答案,再將使用者於系統上的瀏覽行為記錄起來,如此可提供更方便、更快速的查詢方式。 實驗結果顯示爲使用知識而設計的電子書,可以幫助使用者在閱讀時知道目前的位置,避免迷失閱讀方向,運用User Book有助於使用者解決問題,快速地找到合適的內容,提昇資料搜尋效率與閱讀的樂趣,因此而提升使用者的使用意願。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractRead a book, for the author, in the hope that readers can follow their own choreographed way, step by step guide the reader to understand the content they want to convey knowledge; But for readers to write the authors, for example, may need to browse quite a lot books, find the desired reference content, to complete the writing goals in the data exploration process is bound to spend a lot of time, and may not be able to find the right information. Therefore, we hope to find a solution to create a new kind of e-book mode, allowing users to create scenarios based on their experience with the experience of these cases it becomes a collection of knowledge manual that provides a solution to other users direction of the problem, and is determined by the user "how to use" knowledge, to the community to share knowledge, establish common goals book. This study proposes a society to establish e-book mode, allowing users to digitize paper several books, and in the form of a dictionary exists, as Reference Book; another user′s experience to build a variety of use cases, it is a collection of these cases the knowledge manual, as User Book, Reference Book assist other users from being to find answers to your questions, and then record them on a user browsing behavior on the system, so can provide a more convenient, faster query. Experimental results show that the use of knowledge for the e-book designed to help users know the current reading position, avoiding lost reading direction, the use of User Book can help users solve problems and quickly find the right content, to improve data search efficiency and the joy of reading, thus enhancing the user′s willingness to use.en_US
DC.titleE-books Designed For Using Knowledge - E-books Design In A User Book Modelen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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