博碩士論文 101722007 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorShan-Ling Lien_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本文以賴源客家話的音韻研究為主軸。賴源位於閩西連城縣東邊,連城與長汀同屬閩西中片區,語音成分常游移閩西客語南、北片間,具有過渡性的混合方言特質,此外,閩西原屬畬族居住地,連城境內也有不少以「畬」命名的地名,雖然這些地區現今已無畬族居住,但與底層語過往的互動也是造就今日賴源語音的重要因素之一,因此除了音韻研究之外,也會輔以詞彙進行檢視,觀察賴源客家話的語音系統中,與鄰近閩方言、贛方言以及底層語的聯繫關係。 本論文主要分六個章節。第一章為緒論,說明本文選擇賴源做為研究對象的動機與目地、研究的方法及步驟,回顧相關文獻並簡述閩西、連城的史地概況,以及賴源境內下村、黃地村兩個方言點的語音情形。第二章是賴源客家話的語音系統,介紹下村、黃地村的聲、韻、調系統和連讀變調、文白讀的特色。第三章是賴源客家話與中古音的比較,將賴源客家話放入歷史音韻的洪流中,並將下村、黃地村兩相比較,觀察其古今音韻演變的方向。第四章為賴源客家話的語音特點,也是將第三章的內容梳理後呈現,同時透過與其他方言間或底層語的橫向比較,綜合檢視聲母、韻母及聲調,以探討賴源話的語音現象和演變機制,因此發現賴源最大的音韻特點「上聲帶喉塞讀陽入」是上古語音的遺留,而這存古的現象亦同時保護了「濁音清化讀送氣」的白讀字,也讓因「濁音清化多讀不送氣」而常被歸為閩語的賴源,得以證明其客家話的身分。第五章是賴源客家話話的詞彙探討,一同比較的方言點有長汀、永定、三明畬語,適時輔以其他方言點詞彙,透過與周邊方言和底層語的詞彙比較,得以檢視客家話特徵詞在賴源客家話的情形,也同時觀察鄰近閩語、贛語的滲透程度以及底層詞在賴源客家話的保留情況,進而歸納出賴源話的詞彙特點,即兼具客方言南北片詞彙特性、保留古漢語詞。第六章為本文的結論,總結歸納賴源客家話的語音特點、詞彙特色,檢討本研究的不足之處,並提出未來對賴源客家話研究的建議與方向。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThis paper is main theme is phonology of Lai-Yuan Hakka. Lai-Yuan is located at east side of Lian-Cheng county of Fujian province. Lian-Cheng and Chang-Ting are both at middle Fujian. Its language is influenced by both southern and northern Fujian Hakka and it as a mixed dialect. In addition, western Fujian was originally She ethnic minority group’s residence. There are also many place named after She in Lian-Cheng. Even though nowadays there are no Shes living in the area, the underlying languages’ pass interactions is one of the important factors of Lai-Yuan tone. Therefore, not only studying the phonology, I will also review the vocabularies to support the study in order to observe the relations between Lai-Yuan Hakka and nearby Min dialect, Jiangxi Province dialect and underlying languages. There are six chapters in this study. The first chapter is introduction. It illustrates the motive and purpose of choosing Lai-Yuan as study subject, method of study and steps. It reviews the relative studies and briefly explains the history and geographic overview of Western Fujian and Lian-Cheng, and the language situation of two dialect points within Lian-Cheng, Shia village and Huang-Di village. The second chapter is the system of Lai-Yuan Hakka. It illustrates Shia and Huang-Di village’s voice, rhyme, tone system, and features of tone sandhi and Literary and colloquial readings. The third chapter is the comparison of Lai-Yuan Hakka and middle age tone. It puts the Lai-Yuan Hakka into the history of phonology and compare Shia village with Huang-Di village in order to observe the change of phonology from past to nowadays. The fourth chapter is the special features of Lai-Yuan Hakka. It is also a review of first three chapters. Through comparison with other dialect and underlying language, It reviews initials, finals and tones in order to discuss the Lian-Cheng Hakka’s language situation and change mechanism. Therefore, it discovers the most important phonology feature of Lai-Yuan Hakka and that is upper local cords glottal stop is light entering, and this is the from ancient tone. This phenomenon also protects colloquial readings of “dark tone unvoiced aspirate.” It also helps Lai-Yuan which is often categorized as Min because “dark tone unvoiced unaspirated” to be proved as Hakka. The fifth chapter is the discussion of Lai-Yuan Hakka vocabularies. It compares with other dialect points includes Chang-Din, Yuan-Din and Sha-Min and other appropriate dialect points’ vocabularies. Through comparison with surrounded dialect and underlying language’s vocabularies, it is able to review Hakka’s special vocabulary in Lai-Yuan Hakka. It also observes the influence of nearby Min and Gan and preserve status of underlying language vocabulary in Lai-Yuan Hakka. Therefore, it concludes the features of Lai-Yuan Hakka which are combination of northern and southern vocabularies and preservation of ancient Han vocabularies. The sixth chapter is the conclusion of this study. It concludes the phonology features and vocabularies features of Lai-Yuan Hakka. It also reviews the shortage of this research and proposes the suggestions and directions for future Lai-Yuan Hakka research.en_US
DC.subjectHakka Dialect of Western Fujianen_US
DC.subjectLiancheng Dialecten_US
DC.subjectLai-Yuan Dialecten_US
DC.subjectHistorical Comparisonen_US
DC.subjectPhonetic Evolutionen_US
DC.subjectPhonological Featuresen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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