博碩士論文 101756013 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorPi-hung Sunen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract摘 要 本研究探討客家族群在經歷1988年還我母語大遊行、2001年客家委員會成立及2003年設立客家電視台等重大歷史事件後,所呈現社會文化變遷的現象,根據Putnam等人的社會資本研究對美國社會變遷現象,指出人際信任及公共參與正快速衰微,進而影響政治及經濟運作。因此,本文以1984年至2010年對客家族群進行貫時性的研究,用年代變遷、南北差異及世代差異加以檢視人際信任、人際關係及公共參與受社會變遷之影響,運用「台灣社會變遷調查資料」為分析樣本,進行量化統計分析,經研究發現: 一、人際信任自1984年到2010年呈現出衰退趨勢,台灣民眾比客家族群顯著。各年代的世代差異統計結果台灣民眾與客家族群同樣呈現隨年齡增加對人際信任程度逐漸下降的現象。 二、人際關係的各題組在各年代的變遷統計結果上呈現華人社會親疏有別的現象,較親密的親、朋關係受社會變遷影響不大,只在鄰里關係的實際交往上受到現代化、都市化的社會變遷影響呈現愈來愈生疏的現象;在各年代之世代間均出現顯著差異,統計結果顯示和親戚相聚方面中年世代最為頻繁、和朋友相聚方面則是青年世代最為頻繁,雖然贊成鄰居間要常來往的觀念以青年世代為最贊成,但是有多少熟識的鄰居會彼此到對方家裡坐坐聊聊的實際行動卻是老年世代為最多。人際關係的各題組,客家族群與台灣民眾呈現相同的現象,只是統計上不若台灣民眾顯著。 三、客家族群與台灣民眾的政治參與在各年代的變遷統計結果上呈現逐漸衰退的趨勢,各年代之世代間差異,統計結果顯示未達到統計檢定之顯著差異;社會參與在各年代的變遷統計結果上呈現逐漸衰退的趨勢,各年代之世代間差異,僅在「您是否贊成:公眾的事要盡量幫忙」方面,呈現青年世代贊成度最高,老年世代最不贊成。 四、人際信任、人際關係與公共參與在南北地區差異方面,統計結果顯示客家族群均未達到統計檢定之顯著差異,台灣民眾則有部分題組呈現顯著差異。 五、人際信任、關係與公共參與的相關性研究中,僅部分題組呈現中、低程度相關。 關鍵字:人際信任、人際關係、公共參與、社會變遷zh_TW
dc.description.abstractAn Analysis of Hakka People′s Public Participation, and Interpersonal Trust and Relationship Abstract This study investigates the phenomenon in social cultural change displayed by Hakka ethnic group after major historical events including the "Restore-My-Mother-Tongue" campaign parade in 1988, formation of Hakka Affairs Council in 2001, and the establishment of a Hakka television station in 2003. The social capital research by Putnam et al. on the social change exhibits in the United States indicates that interpersonal trust and public participation are fast decreasing, which in turn impact political and economic operations. Accordingly, this research is based on a longitudinal study conducted on Hakka ethnic group between 1984 and 2010, and a quantitative statistical analysis that utilizes the “Academia Sinica- The social change of Taiwan” survey database as the analysis samples, and accounting for the following factors: - Changes in time; - Differences in northern vs. southern parts of Taiwan; - Differences among generations; and - Impacts on interpersonal trust, interpersonal relationships, public participation, and social change. The key findings of this research are summarized as follows: 1. From 1984 to 2010, interpersonal trust has shown a decreasing trend, particularly more prevalent for the entire Taiwanese population than Hakka ethnic group. A review of generation differences on an annual basis indicates that interpersonal trust decreases as age increases, for the entire Taiwanese population that includes Hakka ethnic group. 2. Interpersonal relationship in Asian society is affected by how close one person is to another. Social changes have less impacts on people that are close to each other (i.e., close family or friends), while relationships between neighbors are impacted by social changes caused by urbanization. That is, the more the social changes, the less the neighbors interact with each other. This research also finds different results for different age groups or generations. For example, middle generation gets together most frequently with their close relatives, while younger generation connects most frequently with their friends. Older generation, on the other hand, tends to interact more with neighbors, even though support is the highest by the younger generation on the concept to interact with neighbors. The above findings are applicable to the entire Taiwanese population, including Hakka ethnic group, even though but the trend is less prevalent for Hakka ethnic group. 3. Political participation decreases as time increases for the entire Taiwanese population including Hakka ethnic group. There is no statistical significance on the differences between generations vs. time changes. There is a decreasing trend in social participation as time changes. The only difference among generations is that support is the highest by the younger generation (and lowest by the older generation) to help out on public affairs. 4. For Hakka ethnic group, the study finds no statistical significance on the differences in interpersonal trust, interpersonal relationships, and public participation for northern vs. southern parts of Taiwan, while for the entire Taiwanese population, there are some obvious differences. 5. Medium to low correlations found between interpersonal trust / relationships and public participation. Keywords: interpersonal trust, interpersonal relationships, public participation, social changeen_US
DC.subjectinterpersonal trusten_US
DC.subjectinterpersonal relationshipsen_US
DC.subjectpublic participationen_US
DC.subjectsocial changeen_US
DC.titleAn Analysis of Hakka People′s Public Participation, and Interpersonal Trust and Relationshipen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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