博碩士論文 102125006 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorHsiao-Wei Hsuen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract明末清初之際,面對風起雲湧的世局,士人們應對自處的方式皆不盡相同。在明清之際,嘉定侯氏家族面對混亂時局,所作出的「忠義」抉擇。即使是要付出慘痛的代價,嘉定侯氏其所堅持的「忠義」價值理念。 嘉定侯氏家族藉由子弟的努力勤學,考中科舉進士,進而由耕讀人家成為嘉定地方上的名門望族。嘉定侯氏三世為官,其仕宦經歷、政經活動,讓他們得以累積深厚的人脈,並為嘉定人民喉舌,減輕賦稅。侯氏家族在嘉定地方上的諸多作為及貢獻,使得他們對嘉定人民深具影響力,而嘉定人民對於侯氏家族大多亦是有所感激。 侯氏家族人才輩出,不僅是家族中男子才氣縱橫,連家中女眷也具有才華及不凡見識,皆重視儒家價值。當清廷薙髮易服令至江南,侯氏家族由上而下,皆堅守儒家忠義的價值。在「嘉定三屠」事件中,侯氏子弟更是率領嘉定人民抗清,誓死守嘉定城的名門望族。而侯氏家族在參與悲壯激烈的抗清事件後,逐漸由盛轉衰,走向家道中落、人丁凋零的悲慘命運。 關於嘉定侯氏家族的歷史書寫與評價,無論是在正史、野史、官修或是私修方志,對於侯氏家族的忠義事蹟,皆給予正面肯定的評價。然明清鼎革之際,有諸多政治禁忌及避諱,對於侯氏家族的歷史書寫亦多有所取捨及保留之處,藉由參酌正史、野史、官修及私修方志,使後世對於嘉定侯氏家族的事蹟,可以公正客觀地呈現史實。zh_TW
dc.description.abstract In late Ming and early Qing dynasty, scholars had different ways to face and adapt the unstable and turbulent political situation. During that period, the Jia Ding Hou’s Family made the choice of and insisted on the belief of “zhong yi” (loyalty)even if they needed to pay the bitter and deeply distressed sacrifices. The Jia Ding Hou’s Family passed Imperial examinations of Jin Shi by studying diligently. And this made the Jia Ding Hou’s Family became respected and influential clan from a farming family. The Jia Ding Hou’s Family’s experiences of being politicians and engaging in political and economic activities made them accumulate profound social network, which also made them reduce Jia Ding people’s taxes and be the mouthpiece of them. The Hou’s Family’s voluminous achievements and contributions in Jia Ding area had great influences on Jia Ding people, who appreciated to the Hou’s Family as well. There were uncountable talented people in the Hou’s Family. Not only being overflown literary talent in the man but also getting delighted talents and extraordinary knowledge in the woman of The Jia Ding Hou’s Family, both of them attached abundant importance on Confucian thoughts. Therefore, the Hou’s Family from the youngest to the oldest insisted on Confucian valuable thoughts of “zhong yi” (loyalty) when the policy of “Tifa Yifu” (shaving pigtails and changing traditional clothes) had been passed to Jiang Nan. The Hou’s sons and younger brothers even commanded Jia Ding people to oppose to Qing dynasty, swore to death and resisted for the Jia Ding noble family in “Jia Ding San Tu” (massacre in Jia Ding). As a result, the Hou’s Family was going from prosperity to decline and heading to miserable fate of straitened and withered family populations after attending tragic and intensive incidents of opposing to Qing dynasty. About the Jia Ding Hou’s Family’s historical records and valuations, there were various positive evaluations to past “zhong yi” (loyalty) achievements in Hou’s Family no matter in official and private histories or official modified and private revised local histories. During Ming and Qing revolution period, however, there were stacks of political prohibitions and taboos. What’s more, there were still voluminous reservations about the Hou’s Family historical records. By considering and referencing official and private histories or official modified and private revised local histories, it could demonstrate fairly and objectively historical facts of the Hou’s Family to later generations.en_US
DC.subjectMing and Qingen_US
DC.subjectHou Tong Cengen_US
DC.subjectHou Qi Cengen_US
DC.subjectKang Qingen_US
DC.subjectZi Tien_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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