博碩士論文 102127008 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorPei-Yu Leeen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract過去有關學生學習成效之研究大多使用問卷調查法蒐集資料,蒐集到的往往是片面的資料,問卷需將學習行為簡化為所要探討的研究變項,才得以測量,如此忽略了自然情境下的複雜度以及脈絡,且無法深入瞭解學生獲得核心能力的過程。本研究採取訪談法輔以參與觀察法以及文件分析法,進入大一國文課班級進行一學期的觀課,以探討大一國文學生之學習成效。本研究與授課教師初步訪談之後發現,由於外界不清楚大一國文可以帶給學生哪些重要的核心能力,因而對課程產生誤解,因此,探討大一國文之學習成效為刻不容緩之事。 訪談結果發現,學生認為在邏輯思辨以及人文素養兩項核心能力的獲益較多,在邏輯思辨核心能力中,學生從大一國文課程中學習到:1)透過題目、歷史背景或文章前後文找出答案,2)深入思考古文背後目的或深層意義,3) 從小組討論過程中集思廣益,訓練資料分析能力,4)思考並理解事件的前因後果,5)學習從不同觀點看待事物。在人文素養核心能力中,學生從課程中學習到:1)藉由撰寫自傳來認識自我,2)藉由回顧過去經歷達到自我反思,3)透過古人對生命的態度思考自我價值。值得一提的是,本研究在了解學生學習成效的過程中有兩點發現: 1)學生在邏輯思考以及寫作方面獲得的是一套自學的方法,並非只是單純的課業分數,2)老師與學生間存在著對於基礎知識認知的差異之隔閡。本研究將依據此研究結果,具體提出對學校、教師以及修課學生之建議,以期能持續改善大一國文之現況與學習成效。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThis study will explore how students cultivate the core competencies in the Freshmen Chinese Curriculum, and which are the aspects them lack of. To non-Chinese major students, Freshman Chinese is their last formal Chinese education in the college years. The importance of Freshman Chinese encompasses a better understanding and realization of Chinese literature and culture rather than standard linguistic knowledge and examination skills even though freshmen no longer encountered the pressure of college entrance exams. Studies on students’ learning outcomes in the past were mostly conducted through questionnaires. However, the information gathered is oftentimes fragmented because learning behavior becomes overly simplified when made into variables of measurement for questionnaires. Apparently, such simplification overlooks the complexity and context of a learning process and the in-depth understanding of the process about how students acquire their core competencies. In addition to interviewing students, researchers observed the classes for one semester in order to witness how these freshmen developing their core competencies and to explore students’ learning outcomes in Freshman Chinese. After analyzing the interview, the results show that the most rewarding aspects they received from Freshman Chinese curriculum are the logical thinking skills and cultural literacy. Regarding their logical thinking, students have learned to: 1) find the answers through the questions, historical background and the context the of the readings, 2) think more deeply about the purpose and significance of classical works, 3) learn how to brainstorming through group discussion, 4) understand the cause and effect of things, and 5) see things from multiple perspectives. In terms of their cultural literacy, students have learned to: 1) understand who they really are during the process of composing an autobiography, 2) reflect upon themselves by reviewing their past experiences, and 3) contemplate their own self-worth by exploring the writers’ attitude about life. In addition, this study also discovered that there existed a cognitive gap between the teacher and the students regarding the starting point of the background knowledge prior to the class. Finally, based on the implications of the finding, this study proposed constructive suggestions to improve the learning outcomes of Freshman Chinese in the near future. en_US
DC.subjectlearning outcomesen_US
DC.subjectcore competenceen_US
DC.subjectfreshman Chineseen_US
DC.titleThe Qualitative Research of Student Learning Outcomes for Freshmen Chinese Curriculumen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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