博碩士論文 102128002 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract戲曲劇場指的是以傳統戲曲為其主要業務之劇場,臺灣早期的劇場都是以戲曲演出為主,光復後的永樂劇場、今日百貨麒麟廳、國軍文藝中心等,也都是重要的戲曲劇場。而目前的幾個戲曲劇場如:台泥士敏廳台北戲棚、復興劇場、碧湖劇場等,多以觀光定目劇的形式存在;而曾經也屬於戲曲劇場的紅樓劇場,如今也轉型以其他類型的表演藝術為其主要營運模式;另外,在戲曲史上有著重要影響的新舞台,最終也熄燈了。綜觀戲曲劇場的發展,能夠繼續存續的方式最後都只剩轉型與以觀光為主的兩種模式。 由台北市藝文推廣處(原台北市立社會教育館)規劃的「大稻埕戲苑」,是以「戲曲新據點」為口號出發,主打的就是以傳統戲曲為服務對象,並以再現大稻埕往日的「戲窟」風華為其目標,營運至今已經六年了,大稻埕戲苑不僅突破了以往劇場以承租場地為主要業務的方式,更成功開創以中小型戲曲演出為主的經營之路。對於一個隸屬於公家單位下的劇場,大稻埕戲苑更多了一層推廣傳承戲曲的教育功能。 筆者長期在台北市藝文推廣處參與歌仔戲研習班,後來又到大稻埕戲苑做前台服務,有鑑於大稻埕戲苑有別於以往戲曲劇場的經營方式,因此,能針對大稻埕戲苑的營運方式深入探討。 本論文共分五章:第一章諸論,說明研究動機、目的及研究方法。第二章探討大稻埕的歷史源流,與人文背景。第三章針對大稻埕戲苑的沿革與定位闡述劇場文化的再現。第四章從節目企劃與行銷、場地設備管理與維護、服務規劃、推廣傳承、觀眾的趨勢與反饋等各方面探討大稻埕戲苑的營運。第五章總結以上分析大稻埕戲苑的優勢與劣勢,並對於未來展望提出建議。期能對大稻埕戲苑的制度、規劃、活化應用,有更積極的開創性與獨特性。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractOpera theater refers to the theater that mainly operates traditional operas. The early Taiwan’s theaters focused on the traditional opera performance, including the famous theaters after the Retrocession such as Yong Le Theater, Kylin Hall at Today Department Store and KMT Art Center. The current theaters mainly focus on the tourism-oriented repertory, such as Cement Hall at Taiwan Cement Building, Fu Xing Theater and Bi-Hu Theater. The Red Playhouse, once an opera theater, has now transferred its operation on the performance of other arts. Meanwhile, the New Stage that played an important role in the opera history has now been closed. It’s seen from the development of opera theater that only by changing operation and orienting to the tourism can theaters survive. The DaDaoCheng Theater organized by Taipei Arts Promotion Office (original Taipei Cultural Center) focuses on the traditional operas based on its slogan “A New Base of Opera”, and aims to restore the fame of “Den of Opera” in the past of Dadaocheng. It has now operated for six years. The DaDaoCheng Theater has not only paved another way from renting venues, but also created an operation model based on small and middle opera performances. As a theater belonged to public organization, DaDaoCheng Theater has an educational function of promoting and inheriting operas. The author had learned the Taiwanese Opera Program at Taipei Arts Promotion Office for long, and then served as a desk clerk at DaDaoCheng Theater. Inspired by the operation model of DaDaoCheng Theater different from the past, the author tries to make a deeper discussion. The paper is divided into five chapters. In the first chapter of Introduction, the intentions, aims and methods of research are introduced. The second chapter discusses the history and cultural background of Dadaocheng. The third chapter expounds the restoration of theater culture based on the development and position of DaDaoCheng Theater. The fourth chapter discusses the operation from aspects of program planning and marketing, facilities management and maintenance on site, service design, promoting and inheriting, as well as the audience trends and feedbacks. The fifth chapter summarizes and analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of DaDaoCheng Theater, and gives suggestions for future development. It’s expected that the regulations, plans and flexible practices of DaDaoCheng Theater can be more innovative and featured. Key words: opera, opera theater, theater operation, DaDaoCheng Theateren_US
DC.subjectopera theateren_US
DC.subjecttheater operationen_US
DC.subjectDaDaoCheng Theateren_US
DC.titleManagement of Chinese Opera Theatre Research- A Case Study of DaDaoCheng Theateren_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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