博碩士論文 102155001 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorChia-Chen Tsaien_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract方震孺與晚明政局之研究 摘要 晚明各式人物充斥朝中,有的如方震孺,有的謀狂填欲壑以營私,彼此間的爭鬥,實令後人眼花繚亂,對之評論紛繁複雜,觀點甚至大相逕庭,方震孺在亂世中仍對明廷懷披肝瀝膽之心,並欲力挽狂瀾以救世,實屬難得。 方震孺早年家境不富裕,經濟條件不佳,生活非常辛苦。之後幸得師羅大冠的教化,引領他接觸宗教,在面對逆境時,能坦然面對。而他知書達禮,雖聰穎,但早期仕途機運坎坷,並不順遂,後期所面臨的災禍,也可說是在此時期埋下。 方震孺巡按遼東,則明朝得以保存遼東,當其率軍民保衛壽州時,則壽州也得以保全,當其招降叛將(祖大壽)時,叛將亦受其感召而降伏。震孺堪稱優秀之人才,可是他面軟心慈,不擅政治之權謀運作,欲貢獻己力,報效國家而躋身政治,但卻因不擅權謀,終遭迫害,徒留遺憾,而其遺留之風範值後世之人省察學習。 政經環境敗壞之際,為堅持士大夫的風骨,方震孺即使面對每況愈下之環境,亦有守有為,為晚明貢獻自己的能力。當其遭遇牢獄之災時,亦心繫國事之安危,不屈不饒,奮發圖強,他個人操守和政經長才,在當時官員中,應屬典範,惟全局已壞,有志難伸,空留循吏典範,無補國家危亡。 關鍵詞:晚明政局、遼東戰事、方震孺、東林士人、明末三案zh_TW
dc.description.abstractA Study on Fang Zhenru and the Political Conditions of the Late Ming Dynasty Abstract The imperial court was flooded with kinds of officials in Late-Ming Dynasty. Some like Fang Zhenru were loyal to the imperial government; others were ganged up for private gain. There were the conflicts in Ming government and factional conflicts between different parties and groups. There were different views and value judgments for different parties and groups in various periods, however, Fang Zhenru acted in accordance with his beliefs and he managed to save the critical situation of politics on the verge of collapse. Although Fang Zhenru was from a well-off family in his early years, he was fortunately to be an apprentice of Lo Takuan and came into contact with religion. Therefore, he could accommodate himself to circumstances. Fang Zhenru had stood to sense and had perfect virtue, but his official career was rough in his early age. While Fang Zhenru as an inspection senior official in Liaodong, he managed to save Liaodong from being occupied. While he led the army and people against the enemy in Shouzhou, he kept Shouzhou from falling into enemy′s hands. The leader of enemy Tsu Tashou was summoned to surrender because of the political pathos of Fang. Fang Zhenru was an excellent talent, but he was too kind to be a machiavellian. He won′t exploit his position and power to seek personal gain and was subjected to political persecution in the end. Fang had established a model of politician with moral integrity for later generations. Faced with the coming of the crisis, Fang Zhenru had the integrity of an intellectual ; upright in character , he had his lines firmly drawn. Fang was modest, open-minded and tolerant, but he had not the aggression nor manipulation that makes a politician. His personal integrity and legacy was unhelpful to the troubled Late-Ming Dynasty. Key words: Political Conditions of the Late Ming Dynasty, Battle of Liaodong, Fang Zhenru, Donglin Intellectuals, Three Cases of the Late Ming Dynastyen_US
DC.titleA Study on Fang Zhenru and the Political Conditions of the Late Ming Dynastyen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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