博碩士論文 102181005 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYa-Ying Liangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本文以清人選清詞為研究範圍,考察33 部清人選清詞與清代詞學之間的發展。以往清詞史的敘述脈絡多是以詞集、詞話、詞評為主要探討對象,進行歸納與論述。筆者欲探討「選本」在上述傳統文學批評史料面前,如何呈現「選本」的特殊性。筆者認為「選本」的編成,能夠反映編者當時的文學觀與文學宗旨,並將編者觀點「凝定」在選本之中,後世讀者可透過「選本」回溯編者編選用心。 相較於傳統以「詞集、詞話、詞評」為主要脈絡的敘述,本文以詞選文本作為考察對象,更能夠考察「選本」在主流詞學觀底下隱藏的伏流,並藉由選本,客觀考察當時詞壇與編者之間的審美風尚,而不至於被後世特定詞學史的主觀建構所影響。以下茲將本文各章節大綱略述於後: 本論文共分為五章,第一章緒論、第二章清人選清詞的初興:順康時期的詞選、第三章清人選清詞的興盛:雍乾嘉道時期的詞選、第四章清人選清詞的成熟: 咸同光宣時期的詞選、第五章結論。結論後有附錄一:〈清人選清詞知見書目版本敘錄〉。第一章緒論,主要陳述清代詞選的特殊性與清人選清詞的類型與特點,並說明前人研究成果。在研究範圍上,筆者考查清人選清詞共61 部,刪除叢刻、唱和、同人類詞選,以強烈編選意識為主的33 部詞選為討論對象。 第二章清人選清詞的初興:順康時期的詞選,本章討論順康時期詞選共16 部,共分四類,第一類是:沿襲明代花草之風的詞學風尚的8 部詞選、第二類是地域詞選,以《西陵詞選》、《清平初選後集》、《梁溪詞選》來討論清初地域詞選的萌芽。第三類是以詞派為中心的詞選,以陽羨詞派相關的三部詞選《今詞苑》、《荊溪詞初集》、《瑤華集》來考察三部詞選中陽羨詞派詞人的變化。第四類是女性詞選,以《眾香詞》與《本朝名媛詩餘》為代表,探討女性詞選對清初詞選的開拓與繼承。 第三章清人選清詞的興盛:雍乾嘉道時期的詞選的區分,主要分為兩大類,一類是綜合性詞選,以《昭代詞選》、《國朝詞雅》、《國朝詞綜》與《國朝詞綜二集》為核心,討論清中葉詞學史上的「艷雅之爭」到「化艷為雅」的過程,透過詞選的細部考察,可發現「艷詞」並沒有在清中葉浙西詞派提倡「雅詞」而消失,只是化為一股伏流,這樣的文學發展常常為主流文學史論述所掩蓋,透過詞選本的選人才能夠考察「艷詞」作為伏流的過程。第二類則是地域詞選,延續清初地域詞選的發展,清中葉地域詞選大盛:《東臯詩餘》、《梅里詞緒》、《梅里詞選》、《梅里詞緝》、《梅里詞輯》之間的傳承與發展,又各有所不同,但主要這時期的 地域詞選,都是以「詩詞合編」的方式出現,可見清中葉地域詞選推尊詞體的方式。 第四章:清人選清詞的成熟:咸同光宣時期的詞選,主要分成三大類,第一類探討清中葉以後浙西詞派詞選的延續,以詞綜系列在晚清的影響,討論黃燮清《國朝詞綜續編》與丁紹儀《國朝詞綜補》對於王昶《國朝詞綜》的延續。此外,也討論清中葉以後浙西詞派詞選的反應與變革,並以孫麟趾《國朝七家詞選》、《國朝詞緒選》、張鳴珂《國朝詞續選》為主要參照對象。第二類是由浙西詞派轉向常州詞派的審美意涵與標舉的詞選,主要以譚獻的《篋中詞》為主要文本。第三類則是地域詞選的完成與共融,以《淮海秋笳集》、《國朝常州詞錄》、《國朝金陵詞鈔》、《白山詞介》四部詞選討論晚清地域詞選彼此間的特色,或反映時局戰亂、 或融匯常州一地的詞學發展、或處於浙常交會,力主抗衡汴浙、或專選滿族詞人,都反映晚清地域詞選多元並進的局面。 第五章結論,主要歸納五點,第一是清人選清詞的探討有助於建構詞選史的選學發展脈絡、第二是可探討清代詞派與清人選清詞之間的交互關係、第三是提供文獻價值,透過詞選文本與詞人別集的交互比對,可以發現許多詞人刪改作品的過程,提供後世研究者比對思考的文本。第四是女性詞選與地域詞選的發展,清初女性詞選的編纂保留許多女性詞人的作品,同時也帶動晚清徐乃昌編纂別集叢刻《小檀欒室匯刻閨秀詞》與《閨秀詞鈔》,並間接影響民初女性詞選的編纂風氣。在地域詞選上,清初至清末就是一個單一發展至多元的過程。第五是本論文研究限制與未來展望,由於珍貴的版本取得不易,加上清代範圍較大,筆者刪去叢編性文本與特定目的編集的詞選,故未來可以再擴大研究範圍,朝叢編性詞選與同人類詞選進行研究,同時更可以將這些選本作品數位化,進一步利用大數據,更細緻去分析選本選人的狀況。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractAbstract This study takes Qing Ci-Poetry Selected by Qing Dynasty People as the research scope, and further examines the development of 33 special selections from Qing Ci-Poetry Selected by Qing Dynasty People and Qing Dynasty Ciology. In the past, the narrative context of the history of Ci studies in the Qing dynasty mostly focused on collections, notes, and commentary, which were then summarized and discussed. The author wants to explore how "anthology" presents the particularity of "anthology" based on the historical materials of traditional literary criticism mentioned above. The author points out that the composition of "anthology" is sufficient to reflect the editor′s literary outlook and literary purpose at the time, and can "fix" the editor′s point of view in anthology. Later readers can learn about the considerations of editor selection through "anthology". Compared with the traditional narrative based on "collection, notes, and commentary", this study uses the anthology text as the object of discussion, and is more able to investigate the hidden thinking of "anthology" in the mainstream view of ciology. In addition, with anthology, one can objectively examine the aesthetics and trends between the poetry world and the editors at that time, without being influenced by the subjectivity of the specific history of ciology in later generations. The outline of each chapter in this study is briefly described as follows: This thesis is divided into five chapters. The first chapter is an introduction, and the second chapter discusses the beginning of Qing Ci-Poetry Selected by Qing Dynasty People: the selection of ci in Sunkang period. The third chapter is to discuss the prosperous Period of Qing Ci-Poetry Selected by Qing Dynasty People: the selection of Ci in Yong Qian Jia Dao Period. In Chapter 4, it describes the maturity of Qing Ci-Poetry Selected by Qing Dynasty People: the selection of ci in Xian Tong Guang Xuan Period. Chapter 5 is the conclusion. After the conclusion, this study is appended with Appendix I: "Qing Ci-Poetry Selected by Qing Dynasty People Knowledge Bibliography Version List". The first chapter introduces the particularity of Qing Ci-Poetry Selected by Qing Dynasty People and the types and characteristics of Qing Ci-Poetry Selected by Qing Dynasty People, and explains the research results of previous researchers. In terms of research scope, the author has examined the 61 sections of the Qing Ci-Poetry Selected by Qing Dynasty People. After deleting the outline selection, accessory words and fiction words selection, the 33 Ci pieces with strong editing awareness were put forward as the subject of discussion. The second chapter describes the beginning of Qing Ci-Poetry Selected by Qing Dynasty People, that is, Ci selection during Sunkang period. This chapter discusses 16 pieces of Ci in Sunkang period, divided into four categories. The first type of Ci selection is: 8 Ci anthologies following the Ming Dynasty′s ciological style focusing on the scenery of flowers and grass. The second type of Ci selection is based on the region. Among them, this research uses "Anthology of Xiling", "Qing Dynasty Ping Primary Anthology" and "Anthology of Liangxi" to discuss the beginning of regional Ci anthologies in the early Qing Dynasty. The third category of Ci selection is centered on factions, using three Ci anthologies "Jin Ci Yuan", "Primary Anthology of Jingxi" and "Yaohua Anthology" related to Yang Xian Ci faction as materials. The author further examines the changes of the authors of Yang Xian Ci faction in the three Ci anthologies. The fourth category of Ci selection focuses on female Ci selection, with "Zhongxiang Ci Anthology" and "Female Anthology in the Dynasty", it further explores the development and inheritance of anthology by female anthology in the early Qing Dynasty. The third chapter is the prosperity of Qing Ci-Poetry Selected by Qing Dynasty People: the distinction of anthology in Yong Qian Jia Dao period is mainly divided into two categories. The first category is comprehensive anthology, with "Ci-Poetry Selection of a Venerated Dynasty", "Dynasty Ci Collection", "Dynasty Ci Statement" and "Dynasty Ci Statement II" as the core. This type of discussion explores the process from the "disputes between beauty and elegance" to "turning beauty into elegance" in the history of Ci studies in the middle Qing Dynasty. Through a detailed examination of anthology, we can find that "beautiful Ci" did not disappear in the middle of the Qing Dynasty due to the promotion of "elegant Ci" by Ci faction from West of Zhejiang, but it was relatively low-key. Such literary development is often obscured by the discussion of mainstream literary history. Only through the editors of anthology can we examine "beautiful Ci" as a process of low-key trends. The second category is regional anthology, which continued the development of regional lexical selection in the early Qing Dynasty, and the regional anthology flourished in the middle of the Qing Dynasty, including the inheritance and development of "Donggao Anthology", "Meri Anthology", "Meri Ci Selection", "Meri Ci Editing", which are different actually. However, the regional anthology in this period mainly appeared in the form of "combination of poems and Ci". This shows the way that the anthology in the middle of the Qing Dynasty was revered. Chapter four describes the mature development of Qing Ci-Poetry Selected by Qing Dynasty People: The anthology of Xian Tong Guang Xuan period is mainly divided into three categories. The first category explored the continuation of anthology of Ci faction from West of Zhejiang after the middle of the Qing Dynasty. With the influence of the Ci Statement series in the late Qing Dynasty, it discusses the continuation of Huang hsiehching′s "Dynasty Ci Edited Statement" and Ding Shaoyi′s "Dynasty Ci Statement Supplement" to Wang Chang′s "Dynasty Ci Statement". In addition, the reactions and changes of anthology of Ci faction from West of Zhejiang after the mid-Qing period were also discussed, and Sun Linchi′s "Dynasty Seven Major Ci Faction Anthology", "Dynasty Ci Beginning Anthology", and Chang Mingchi′s "Dynasty Ci Continued Anthology" were the main reference objects. The second category is the aesthetic meaning and standard anthology from Ci faction from West of Zhejiang to Ci faction from Changchou, mainly based on Tan Xian′s "Ci in Collection" as the main text. The third category is the completion and communion of regional anthology. With "Huaihai Qiujia Anthology", "Dynasty Changzhou Anthology", "Dynasty Jinling Anthology", "Baishan Anthology Introduction" a total of four anthology, it discussed the characteristics of the regional athology in the late Qing Dynasty, or reflected the war, or presented the merged development of ciology in Changzhou, or at the integration of Zhejiang and Changchou, or striving to contend with Bianzhe, or the only selected of Manchu poets, all these reflect the diversity of the anthology in the late Qing Dynasty. Chapter 5 is the conclusion, which mainly summarizes five key points. First, the related discussions of Qing Ci-Poetry Selected by Qing Dynasty People help to construct the context of the selective development of the history of Ci anthology. Second, we can explore the interaction between Qing Ci-Poetry School and Qing Ci-Poetry Selected by Qing Dynasty People. Third, it provides literature value. Through the interactive comparison of the anthology text and the collection of poets, it can discover the process of many poets deleting and modifying their works, and then provide comparison and thinking for future researchers. The fourth point is the development of female anthology and regional anthology. The compilation of female anthology in the early Qing retained many works of female poets. At the same time, it also led Hsu Naichang to compile "Ci Anthology" and "Ci Collection" in the late Qing Dynasty, and indirectly influenced the editing and collection of female anthology in the early years of the Republic of China. In terms of regional anthology, from the beginning of the Qing Dynasty to the end of the Qing Dynasty was a process of development from single to multiple. The fifth point is the limitations and future prospects of this study. Due to the difficulty in obtaining precious editions, and the wide range of works in the Qing Dynasty, the author has deleted the anthology of serial texts and specific-purpose compilations. Therefore, future researchers can further expand the scope of the research, to focus on outline selected anthology and fiction words anthology. Meanwhile, future research can even digitize these anthology works and further use big data to analyze the situation of anthology and poets in more detail.en_US
DC.subjectQing ci-poetry selected by qing dynasty peopleen_US
DC.titleResearch on Qing Ci-Poetry Selected by Qing Dynasty Peopleen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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