博碩士論文 102352011 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorHan-Wei Chenen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract全球災變發生頻繁,近年來政府與國人更加重視環保議題,但環境污染的嚴重程度又受限於地理與時間的影響而產生變化,致使環保稽查工作執行上困難重重。為達到即時改善環境污染問題,環保署成立環保報案中心同時設置公害陳情專線(0800-066666),並結合全國22個環保局並提供多元化檢舉公害部分申訴管道,以期能即時受理民眾之公害陳情,因此案件受理量與實際稽查人力比相當懸殊,如發生勤務排班人力調配不當將直接造成案件處理時間延宕,甚至錯失不法行為之蒐證時機。以往勤務排班常以傳統人工經驗方式為之,但並非最佳化指派結果,因此常令決策者花費大量時間,故建構一個最佳化有效率的環保人員輪班系統應該要能達到權重負荷平均為原則,並同時需滿足每一時段的最低人力需求,而不致於因人力太少而手忙腳亂,或人力過剩而浪費人力成本。 本研究模式對於受理市民陳情之環境污染案件,採24小時3班制執勤加以查處,每班時段以8小時為1單位,並依現行相關環保法規暨相關勤務規定,執行稽查告發工作。為協助環保稽查人員於排班時期考量固定勤休下,利用數學0-1整數規劃理論,將環保輪班人員於一定週期內,依現有班別及勤務為基底,規劃數學限制式,並利用Lingo 9.0電腦套裝軟體為工具,考量權重負荷平均下達最佳化公平指派原則,同時針對輪班人員及天數增減進行敏感度分析及方案分析,將上述有限之資源決策做出最佳化調配,以幫助決策者適度規劃及人力安排,以避免員工超時過勞及違反勞動基準法之規定,同時可在時限內回報民眾陳情案件處理狀況並完成結案備查。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractFrequent catastrophe is a global issue. The government and public are attaching more and more importance to environmental protection in recent years. However, severity of environmental pollution is changing with the influence of geography and time, which causes great difficulty in carrying out environmental protection inspection work. The Environmental Protection Administration (EPA)sets up an environmental protection reporting center and pollution representation hotline (0800-066666) to improve the pollution as soon as possible. What’s more, the EPA also works together with 22 environmental protection agencies around the nation to provide the public with diverse appeal channels over pollution, with a hope to accept public representation in time. Because of the disparity between the amount of the case and the actual manpower in charge of the cases, the improper HR management will directly delay the handling of the cases and even miss evidence collecting time of illegal act. Service scheduling is used to be arranged according to traditional experience, which does not bring an optimized assigning result and costs a lot of time. An optimized and effective environmental protection staff scheduling system should meet an average weight and load principle while satisfies the minimum manpower demand in each time frame. Only in this way can the lack of manpower or manpower surplus issue can be solved. This research adopts the triple-shift system, with eight-hour as a unit, to deal with the environmental pollution case and carry out inspection and report work according to current related environmental regulations and related service stipulations. To examine and formulate the fixed rotation rest of the environmental protection staff in the scheduling time, this research adopts the 0-1 integer programming theory to programme mathematic formula on the basis of the current class and service of the service staff in a certain period. Lingo 9.0 is applied as the tool to consider the optimized fair assigning principle taking the average weight and load into consideration. It will also make the most suitable assigning of the limited resource by analyzing the sensitivity and scheme of the shift staff and days, which helps the decision maker to properly arrange the manpower and avoid violation of Labor Standards Act because of overwork of the staff and also makes it possible to represent the progress of the case to the public and implement the case for future reference in required time.en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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