博碩士論文 102352012 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYung-Chiao Changen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract近年來交通部公路總局(Directorate General of Highways, MOTC)為積極建構省道即時交通資訊發布平台,選擇在易壅塞路段、易肇事路段或熱門景點路段上,針對不同類型路段與區域特性之省道、快速道路及多處隧道建置各類交控設施,提供管理單位在交控中心透過影像判斷進行多項交通策略訂定,透過以上設備隨時掌握路側設備運作狀況,同步接收並處理回傳影像、車流資訊,即時將最新的道路交通狀況呈現在道路資訊可變標誌(Changeable Message Sign,CMS) ,或影像畫面於「省道即時交通資訊網」及行動通訊軟體APP上,提供民眾避開各種交通、災情事件,選擇最適當路徑行駛,以提升交通安全及行車順暢。   本研究針對交通部公路總局交控設施建置種類及數量日益增多,且隨著設施皆逐漸老化導致故障頻率增多,為確保路側交控設施所蒐集資料品質之即時性、正確性及穩定性。因此探討交控設施維運期階段各軟硬體或通訊維護階段,及交通部公路總局在養路巡查交控設施巡檢作業人員、巡檢頻率及巡查項目之合適性,並進一步討論現行交控設施巡查維修通報暨故障修復作業流程,及設施維護管理資訊系統之應用是否有改進之處等,皆有必要加以深入研究。本研究透過各交控設施連線率之統計分析與專家焦點訪談,針對交控設施維運期階段現況與使用維護上之特性,提出積極有效之管理對策,以進一步提升交通資訊蒐集及控制系統之維護管理成效。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn recent years, Directorate General of Highways, MOTC actively constructs publishing platform for immediate traffic information in provincial highway, and establishes various traffic control facilities in accordance with different types and regional characteristics of provincial roads, expressway and a number of tunnels by selecting easy congestion road, easy accident of road or road to hot attractions, providing administrative unit in traffic control center with information through the images to determine many traffic strategies. Controlling operating condition of roadside equipments at any time to synchronously receive and handle images and traffic information passed back from the foregoing equipments can forthwith present the latest road traffic conditions on Changeable Message Sign (CMS) or images on “Immediate Traffic Information Network for Provincial Roads” and APP mobile communication software, and provide people with information to keep away from traffic events and accidents for selection of the most appropriate routes and increase of traffic safety as well as travelling smoothly. In consideration of increasing types and quantities of traffic control facilities set up by Directorate General of Highways, MOTC, and increase of fault frequency resulted from these gradually aging facilities, this study therefore explores several issues to ensure immediacy, correctness and stability for information quality collected by roadside traffic control facilities, i.e. traffic control facility software and hardware in the stage of maintenance, and appropriateness of Directorate General of Highways’ routing inspection operators, frequency and items for road maintenance and traffic control facilities maintenance. Furthermore, report and fault correcting operation process for routing inspection maintenance of the existing traffic control facilities, whether any improvement needed for application of facility maintenance management information system, etc. are necessary for deeper study. This study aiming at the current situation for traffic control facilities in the stage of maintenance and characteristics of use and maintenance by the way of statistic analysis for on-line rate of each traffic control facility and expert interview proposes active and effective management countermeasure to further improve management effectiveness for traffic information collection and control system maintenance. en_US
DC.subject交通部公路總局(Directorate General of Highways, MOTC)zh_TW
DC.subjectDirectorate General of Highways, MOTCen_US
DC.subjectpublishing platform for immediate traffic informationen_US
DC.subjectChangeable Message Sign (CMS)en_US
DC.subjectImmediate Traffic Information Network for Provincial Roads (http://168.thb.gov.tw/),en_US
DC.subjectrouting inspection for road maintenanceen_US
DC.subjectfacility maintenance management information systemen_US
DC.title交控設施維護管理作業精進之研究 -以交通部公路總局為例zh_TW
DC.titleResearch for the Enhancement of Traffic Control Facilities Administrative Operations – Take Directorate General of Highways, Ministry of Transportation and Communications for Exampleen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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