博碩士論文 102355005 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorChing-ling Liuen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract凡產業結構中屬於傳統基礎之行職業、恐有人力斷層之疑慮且學生就讀意願或就業意願較低的皆為特殊產業需求科目範圍,因此本研究嘗試規劃設計一套全職涯的工作制度,提供足夠誘因使高職生對此特殊產業需求科目增加接受度為主要研究目的。 另外,目前營造業由於基礎工項人力嚴重不足的問題,儼然已成為工程進度落後主因之一,而模板工程為結構體主要徑之重要工項,且需與諸多介面整合,入行門檻較高技術養成相對較慢,故選擇以模板工程為例,針對材料及工法構面加以改良大幅降低技術門檻,精進後將其重新定義為「精密模板」一名詞,可有效降低模板技術門檻,並以實證研究方式驗證所設計的技術課程學習成效。 本研究藉由質化研究之深度訪談方式分析出基礎工程無法吸引年輕人就業的原因,就其問題改善並加上正面動機誘因研擬出本研究所定義之「全職涯模式設計」,其概念完全屏除過去基礎工程工作的刻板印象,也跳脫一般對藍領階級的基本認知,這套制度強調的它不只是一個「工人」階級的工作,而是替未來承攬工程的創業鋪路,除了技術養成也增加管理專業的養成元素,有系統的教育訓練增強其介面協調能力,進而提升模板工程品質與效率,此模式經問卷調查後以 SPSS統計分析後即可得到高職生對此模式接受度之相關關係,此模式內容已達企業可以實際落實執行的程度,而且也可以複製在其他特殊產業科目,有效解決教育制度與實際產業工作環境銜接落差問題。 以特殊產業中的土木科為例,一般土木相關科系高職生畢業後若是選擇直接就業,往往面臨既不願意從事基礎工程工作卻還未達勝任工程師職務的困難問題,故本研究除了期望可以提高高職生對特殊產業科目的接受度之外,也希望能對同樣重視人力斷層問題的相關產業,在永續培植內部創業人才方面有所貢獻。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn traditional labor-intensive industries, the gap between labor demand and supply is widening, as fewer students at their vocational choice decide to enter into such job vacancies. The purpose of this study is to envision a career planning strategy, aiming at providing such students of vocational track an acceptable career in traditional industries. In the construction industry in particular, the deficiency of labor supply has become the main cause for schedule delays. Among the trades which lack labor, the formwork specialty suffers most, as this trade not only requires intensive input of labor, but it interfaces with many other trades which form the critical path in scheduling, and it demands meticulous workmanship in carpentry. As a result, the formwork trade sustains a long term deficit of skilled worker, and any meaningful revival of this trade will be to minimize the quantity as well as the quality of workers required to complete a project. This study takes a qualitative approach in contemplating a career-planning strategy for formwork workers. This strategy begins with enticing students from vocational schools to join a career plan, which leads a student to become a “blue-collar” worker, then progressing to the status of an engineer, and finally playing the role of an owner of a small to medium business in the same trade. As the knowledge of working at the site in essential to the formwork trade, it is imperative for any competent owner of formwork business to start his/her career from being a lay worker at the job site. This study first devises a set of questionnaire, for collecting views of vocational school students. More than three hundred questionnaires were sent to sample students in order to form the base of opinion. The questionnaire data were then analyzed statistically by SPSS. Finally a career planning strategy was devised based on the correlations found in the SPSS analysis. The proposed strategy can be used in other trades similar to formwork construction, in which there is a shortage of skilled worker, and the source of workers are to obtain from vocational schools. en_US
DC.subjectSpecialized industrial tradeen_US
DC.subjectformwork constructionen_US
DC.subjectlabor shortageen_US
DC.subjectcareer planningen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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