博碩士論文 102356029 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorHsi-jung Suen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究目的是探討案例學校邁向永續校園的認知度與可行性,作為學校未來執行方向與校園規劃之參考。研究方法以校園現況調查及師生問卷調查為主,專家學者深度訪談為輔。 根據校園現況調查的結果顯示,案例學校在硬體面上,符合永續校園指標的比例為21%;軟體方面,符合永續校園指標的比例為74%。由問卷調查統計結果得知,教職員與學生對永續校園認知現況,皆達顯著水準,屬高度同意。在硬體指標方面,教職員的認知程度較學生為高,並以能源循環的認知度最高,其次為資源循環;在軟體指標方面,學生在環保生活的認知程度較教職員為高。而不同「性別」、「服務年資」的教職員,對永續校園的認知程度,不具顯著差異,但「任教類別」不同的教職員間,則有顯著差異;至於不同「性別」、「年級」、「類組」的學生間,則有顯著差異。 彙整專家學者訪談結果指出,推動永續校園的關鍵在於「人」,主要為學校領導者或主任,至於推動永續校園的可行性,專家和校方普遍認為,校園的空間不足、經費不足、行政作業繁瑣,及欠缺專家學者指導,是最主要的困難,此有待政府教育主管機關的協助。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe main purpose of this study was to investigate the recognition and feasibility towards sustainable campus for a case private senior high school. The object of this research is expected to be as a reference for future executive direction and plans of sustainable campus development. The methods carried out in this study included campus survey of current statues and questionnaire survey of faculties and students, as well as insight interview of experts and scholars. According to the survey results of campus statues indicated that the case school met 12% and 74% of sustainable campus indicators in hardware and software, respectively. The statistical results of questionnaire survey of faculties and students revealed that the recognition of sustainable campus indicators were all above the significant level, mean highly agreed. In hardware indicators, the recognition of faculties was higher than that of students. The highest cognitive indicator was energy cycle and the next one was resource cycle. In software indicators, the cognition of environmental protection life for students was higher than that for faculties. Faculties with different gender and service seniority had no significant differences to the cognition of sustainable campus, but there were significant differences in teaching assortments. As for students, there were significant differences of cognition among students with different gender, grade, and assortment. The result of the interview with experts and scholars shown that the key point to promote the sustainable campus is “people”; the primary person is school leader or director. As for the feasibility to promote the sustainable campus, the experts and the school generally consider that insufficient campus space and budget, minute and complicated administration process, and lack of guidance from experts and scholars are the major difficulties. Therefore, the assistances from the governmental education in charge office are expected.en_US
DC.subjectSustainable Campusen_US
DC.titleCase Study on the Recognition and Feasibility Towards Sustainable Campusen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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