博碩士論文 102421008 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYen-Chun Linen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract根據「史丹佛大學研究中心」調查報告「人一生中的所賺的金錢,12.5%來自於知識,87.5%則是來自於人脈。」由此可知人脈的重要性。從前,建立人際關係的開始,來自人們面對面的溝通,由於時間與地理區域障礙,人們的人際關係被迫狹窄,關係的維護也因此不易。然而,隨著科技的成長、網路的發展,成就了社群媒體。而近年來跟「社群」有相關的字眼,無論是媒體產業、行銷手法、相關職業等皆蓬勃發展。由此可知,不管是單一個體、家庭、群體、企業、組織,皆積極的去建立社交網絡、維護人脈。 據統計指出,擁有智慧型手機的民眾,其使用最頻繁的應用程式前幾名皆為社群媒體。由此可見社群媒體對現今生活的重要性,也因為需求的大增,各種的社群媒體也不斷湧現,競爭十分激烈;有學者提出,若增加媒體的社交互動,可以改善人際互動,並且影響用戶對該媒體的態度,與持續使用的意願。因此本研究推論社群媒體的成功與否,在於其提供給用戶的媒體特性是否達到社交互動之目的,進而產生持續使用的意願,而長期使用該社群媒體。 LINE是在台灣地區最多人使用之社群媒體,因此本研究藉由LINE與其用戶,以關係維護為觀點,來探討何種社群媒體的特性會成為影響用戶持續使用意願的因素。以過去研究為參考,從社群媒體多樣的特性中,選出「媒體豐富性」、「溝通控制能力」、「行動性」以及「關鍵多數」代表社群媒體的特性,探討其與關係維護的關聯性。並檢驗「關係維護」在社群媒體特性與持續使用意願之間的中介效果。 本研究以台灣地區LINE用戶為研究對象,共回收234份有效問卷。以結構方程模型(Structural Equation Modeling, SEM)分析結果,顯示「溝通控制能力」與「關鍵多數」會顯著正向影響「關係維護」,「媒體豐富性」與「行動性」則不顯著,「關係維護」對「持續使用意願」亦有顯著正向影響。在「關係維護」中介角色方面,「關係維護」對於「溝通控制能力」與「持續使用意願」關係,呈完全中介;而在「關鍵多數」與「持續使用意願」關係中,呈部分中介。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractAccording to The Stanford Research Institute saying, the money you make in any endeavor is determined only 12.5 percent by knowledge and 87.5 percent by your ability to deal with people. It will be seen from this how important social network is. Communicating face to face is the only way to build up new social network before. Since it limited by time and geography, one’s social networks become small. Besides, it’s difficult to maintain his relationship. However, as the technology and Internet developing, Social Media came out. No matter what kind of industries, such as Media Industry, Sales or connected industry, which is related to “Social”, it will be thriving. From this, no matter who is , instance individuality, family, group, or organization, all are active to build up and maintain its social network. On the base of the statistics, within the top ranks of using most frequently applications from people who have smart phones are social media. Consequently, social media is quite important to the public nowadays. With the growth of social media demand, various social media come out continuously. There was a scholar said that with the increase of social activities on social media, it can not only improve the relationship, but also influence how people think about social media and people’s continuance usage intention of social media As the result, this study consider if social media succeeds or not, it depends on whether the characteristics of social media make people interact with each other or not, then urges people to use this social media continuously and chronically. LINE is the most popular social media in Taiwan. Hence, this study will investigate the mechanism of continuous use in social from the perspective of relationship maintenance, according to LINE users. After referring some past researches, from multiple characteristics   of social media, this study choose Media Richness, Communication Control Capability, Mobility and Critical Mass to inquire how they influence users’ Relationship Maintenance and Continuance Intention to inquire its association with Relationship Maintenance, and to investigate the mediating effects of Relationship Maintenance. With users who use LINE APP in Taiwan as research subjects, we received 234 valid questionnaires, and data analysis is conducted via Structural Equation Modeling. It results that (1) Communication Control Capability and Critical Mass are more likely to influence Relationship Maintenance and Continuance Use Intention than Media Richness and Mobility. (2) Relationship Maintenance is likely to influence Continuance Use Intention. (3) The relationship between Communication Control Capability and Continuance Use Intention is completely mediated by Relationship Maintenance. (4) The relationship between Critical Mass and Continuance Use Intention is partially mediated by Relationship Maintenance.en_US
DC.subjectSocial Mediaen_US
DC.subjectRelationship Maintenanceen_US
DC.subjectContinuance Use Intentionen_US
DC.title以關係維護觀點來探討社群媒體持續使用之機制 ---以LINE為例zh_TW
DC.titleA Study on the Mechanism of Continuous Use in Social Media from the Perspective of Relationship Maintenance - The Case of LINEen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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