博碩士論文 102421035 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorJo-yu Wangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract根據過去學者對於網路團購的投入,主要是探討消費者對於網路團購的購買意圖與購買行為;或是探討滿意度及再購意圖;亦有聚焦於價格機制與需求,鮮少有文獻是針對網路團購消費者願意等待成團的因素進行探討。由於需要湊滿一定的數量才能夠達到成團,因此必須耗費一段時間等待其他人跟團參與,故探討影響等待成團的因素只考慮個人面因素是不夠的,還需要加入群體因素共同探討。本研究將願意等待成團的因素分為個人面及群體面,建構容易了解網路團購消費者願意等待成團的因素之研究架構,以彌補過去研究之不足。 本研究採用網路問卷的方式進行調查,共回收559份問卷,有效問卷520份,並依據消費者跟團參與的主購所開團之同一團購商品,將樣本分成33團。本研究以階層線性模型 (HLM)進行本研究假設之驗證分析,研究結果如下: 1. 專注沉浸、關鍵多數及同步價值對於知覺等待時間具有反向顯著影響,其中以同步價值的影響程度最大,其次為關鍵多數,表示探討網路團購消費者願意等待成團時,考量群體面因素是相當重要的。 2. 關鍵多數及同步價值對於再次購買行為不具有顯著影響,表示愈多人跟團愈能提高與網路商家的議價能力,並無法表示關鍵多數愈多,促使個人的再次購買行為愈高。另外,網路團購為消費者購物的管道之一,因此對於可以與其他跟團者互動是使用網路團購的附加價值,並不會真正影響其再次購買行為。 3.關鍵多數及同步價值並不會對於個別消費者的再次購買行為產生顯著的直接影響,但是可以透過知覺等待時間的間接效果,而對於再次使用網路團購的購買行為產生顯著的影響。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn the past, most study of online group-buying focus on purchase intention and behavior to online group-buying; the others focus on satisfication and repurchase intention. Also, some studies focus on the price mechanism and demand. Few study aims to argue that what factors influence on waitng for the tour to be confirmed for online group-buying consumers. Consumers must wait for others joining the tour to achieve specific quantities for product. Therefore, only considering the personal factors is not enough, the group factor should be jointly added to. This study divides the factors into personal and group to supplement the lack of past study. The study uses online questionnaire and surveys 559 consumers of online group-buying, in which 520 are valid. According to buying the same products which is appeal by the same initiators, the samples are separated into 33 groups. Hierarchical Linear Modeling (HLM) is applied to test the hypotheses. The findings of this study are as follows. 1. Focused immersion, critical mass and synchronization value have negative effect on perceived waiting time. Among of them, synchronization value has the greatest influence and critical mass secondly. This shows the importance of groups. 2. Critical mass and synchronization value have no effect on repurchase behavior. This shows that the more people join the tour and the more capability to bargain. No evidence demonstrates that critical mass has no effect on repurchase behavior. Besides, providing a platform to interact with others is an additional features or value for who use the online group-buying for shopping. 3. Critical mass and synchronization value have no direct effect on purchase intention, but there is an indirect effect through perceived waiting time on repurchase behavior. en_US
DC.subjectOnline Group-Buyingen_US
DC.subjectPerceived Waiting Timeen_US
DC.subjectCognitive Absorption Theoryen_US
DC.subjectNetwork Externalitiesen_US
DC.titleExploring the Factors of Influence Group-buying Consumers Waiting for the Tour.en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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