博碩士論文 102450027 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYing-chi Liuen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract電視機是台灣現今每個家庭幾乎不可或缺的生活”必需”用品,拜科技進步之賜液晶顯示型電視機已經淹沒大多數的家庭,其影像畫質等技術進步的速度令人膛目結舌,顯示影像從早期的黑白影像進步到現今的彩色與高畫質影像;可觀看的內容從早期單純觀賞用節目進步到家庭娛樂的多媒體顯示中心;可收看的電視台從早期的台、中、華視三台節目進步到現今的百家爭鳴;外型上從早期厚重占空間的外型進步到尺寸大而輕薄;銷售公司也從早期的本土家電品牌三雄演變到現今土洋品牌之相互激烈競爭。 家電品牌廠商其經營銷售的家電商品種類雖然繁多,但以營業額來論首重之商品為電視機次為冷氣機,故電視機商品乃家電品牌企業兵家必爭之地,競爭企業無不在品牌宣傳、企劃行銷、技術開發、客戶服務等處用心經營,借以增加企業之競爭優勢與品牌價值,進而創造營業利潤與績效,企業方能永續經營。 本研究以台灣本土電視機品牌個案公司為例,來分析個案公司在電視機銷售市場的企業競爭優勢,其研究方法乃先採用產業經濟學S-C-P分析模型(Structure-Conduct-Performance Model,結構-行為-績效模型)來探討台灣地區電視機銷售市場的產業結構,其後使用問卷調查方式取得電視機商品之「消費者需求特徵」,並探討與分析個案公司在競爭激烈的銷售市場上之需求特徵與競爭優勢的差異與改善對策。 本研究整理相關的結果如下: 1.台灣電視機銷售市場之產業結構為寡占型。 2.消費者對於電視機商品之喜好趨向大尺寸、高畫質、網路多媒體。 3.個案公司需提高品牌價值、拓展銷售通路、充實產品陣容方能提高競爭優勢。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractTV has now become an indispensable items of and necessity to nearly every family in Taiwan, thanks to the technological progress in Liquid Crystal Display (LCD). For example, the technological improvement in image quality is astonishing. Such as the image display technology has been improved from black-and-white in earlier time to colorful and high-definition in the present. TV are now multi-media center for family entertainment rather than pure visual program. The TV stations extend from three, i.e. Taiwan Television Enterprise, Ltd. (TTV), China Television Company, Ltd. (CTV), and Chinese Television System (CTS), to over a hundred. Further, the appearance of TV has developed from heavy and huge to large but thin and light. In respect to competition in TV market, the competitors have increased from three local brands to a large numbers of local and foreign brands, resulting in an intense and fierce competition in current market. Although the variety of electric household appliances was staggering, the most important one is TV, and the second is air-conditioners. TV thus falls into a hotly contested spot. Competitors devoted and invested a lot of elaborateness in brand promotion, marketing planning, researching and developing new technology, after-sale service, and so on, in order to increase their own competitive advantage and brand value, giving an outcome to produce business profit and performance. In this study, I exemplify a local TV company so as to analyze if the current strategy of the company fit into the competitive landscape? The analysis method used herein is the structure-conduct-performance (SCP) paradigm, which is a model in Industrial Organization Economics. Based on said model, I explore the industrial organization of TV sales market in Taiwan. In addition to the above-mentioned model, I adopted a questionnaire survey which is with demand characteristics to realize the sample company’s position in the fierce completive TV industry in Taiwan and then to explore if its distinctive strategy need to improve and strengthen the demand characteristics with competitive advantage, allowing the company to find a foothold in this fierce competition in the market, and then find a new opportunity to break the deadlock. My conclusions are as follows: 1. The industrial structure of Taiwan TV sales market is oligopolistic. 2. In TV market, consumer preferences tend to large-size, high-definition, and multimedia network indicators. 3. To have a competitive advantage, the sample company therein needs to increase their brand value, expand sales channels, and set up a strong product lineup. en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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