博碩士論文 102450049 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorLien-Fen Hsuen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract論文名稱: 依品質機能規劃與設計現代化銀髮村 校所組別: 國立中央大學管理學院高階主管企管碩士班 兩岸組 指導教授: 高信培博士 研 究 生: 徐蓮芬 關鍵字: 老齡化社會、人口老化、銀髮村、商業模式、品質機能展開 論文摘要內容: 台灣已是老齡化社會,養老保障問題將嚴重困擾我們未來的經濟發展,長期以來養老之模式多是家庭養老,將來銀髮族需要社會的關愛、照料。每個人都會變老,不能不考慮我們的切身利益問題,也不能不關注去實現,去維護,去發展銀髮族的身心照顧利益,需儘速討論養老保障問題,養老問題是一個非作不可之題目。 本論文係以商業模式與品質機能展開之手法找出銀髮族內心需求之銀髮村居住要素,將其套用在我居住的社區中,除保有原有之設施外,另外謀求專業外包公司以補足社區建設之不足, 也是銀髮族所關心的醫療照顧,費用平價,又能提供營養諮詢…等等,祈求建設成一個能滿足荷包利益,身心健康,無障礙空間,又能與親人,子女共住,共享自主走動之銀髮村。 除此之外, 還追加一些穿戴科技元素,對孤獨或行動不便之老人能自行監控,例,監控攝像機,智能手環,智能插頭,智能血壓計…等,管理自己身體健康的同時也能分享資訊給家人,讓子女即使不在身邊也能關心叮嚀,讓社區專業人員能協助監管銀髮族之日常運動狀況,並提供持續的健康飲食建言,標榜著處處有人關心,讓生活更愉快, 更開心。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractPaper name : 依品質機能規劃與The design of Modern Silver Village College : 國立中央大學管理學院高階主管企管碩士班 兩岸組 Instruct Professor : Dr. HP Kao Graduate student : Lien Hsu Key Word: The aging society, Population aging, Village of elderly(銀髮村), Business model, Quality Function Deployment (QFD) Abstract Content: Taiwan has become an aging society, pension problem will seriously affect the development of our economy in the future, for a long time endowment pattern is family endowment, future seniors in need of social care, care. Everyone will become old, can not but consider our vital interests and couldn′t care less about to achieve, to maintain, to the physical and mental development of the elderly people to take care of the interests, need as soon as possible to discuss the problem of old-age security, old-age security is a non can not be the problem. In this thesis, the business model and quality function deployment method to find the inner demand of the seniors Silver Village residential elements and apply it in the community I live, in addition to retain the original facilities outside, and to seek professional outsourcing company, to complement the community construction also of silver hair family care about health care and low cost, can provide nutrition counseling... And so on, pray for construction into a can meet the purse, physical and mental health, barrier free space, with relatives, children live, move around independently Silver Village sharing In addition, also added some wearable technology elements, the lonely or mobility of the elderly can self monitoring, cases, surveillance cameras, smart rings, smart plugs, intelligent blood pressure meter, manage their own health and can also share information to the family, let the family is not around to care about exhort, let the community professionals to assist the daily exercise of supervision of seniors, and provide sustained and healthy eating advice, advertised with everywhere people are concerned about, make your life more pleasant, more happy.en_US
DC.subjectThe aging societyen_US
DC.subjectPopulation agingen_US
DC.subjectVillage of elderlyen_US
DC.subjectBusiness modelen_US
DC.subjectQuality Function Deploymenten_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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