博碩士論文 102450083 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorPING-YU LIUen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract巨量資料分析可謂近年來在行銷領域上的顯學,各個過去擁有龐大資料庫卻不知如何利用的企業,無不摩拳擦掌想好好瞭解巨量資料分析。然而目前市場上所提供之巨量資料教學,多半是與軟體技術相關之課程,而缺乏在行銷議題上之應用與相關統計分析之工具。有鑑於此,「解構巨量資料的迷團,透視消費者的行為。」未來將會是影響企業營收的關鍵。 巨量資料與行銷有何關聯性?有經驗的行銷人都知道,為了打中市場需求及關鍵客戶,經常在龐巨量資料中摸索,試圖找出各類數字背後最有價值的意義。現在有了巨量資料工具,過去的困難也許能迎刃而解了。從分析的結果推測該如何影響顧客的行為,並且將之擬定為具體的商業計畫,並據此行動才是關鍵。從企業策略的角度來看,依據經營方針而指示研究數據,屬於管理工作;將分析的結果化為實際的行動,也屬於管理的範疇。經理人要決定該怎麼分析資料,也要有能力依據整理好的資料,改變行動。 本研究將與某電信商討論運用現有電信商的資料,透過整理、歸納、喜好、習慣並依據人、事、時、地、物等不同的資訊分析後,找出個案公司影音服務的潛在客戶,並藉由本研究讓個案公司行銷人員更清楚了解目前在使用的用戶喜好,及找出更貼近客戶所需的服務來提高服務使用率及營收。 個案公司發展至今日的成果,實屬不易。然而近年來由於市場變化多端,以及產業間競爭激烈,如何擁有持續的競爭優勢,並及早思考永續發展之策略,值得深入探討與研究。本研究根據Dcplus網站在巨量資料專題五中論述之電信運營商巨量資料應用,提出對個案公司的應用領域與建議,項目如下: (1) 網路管理和優化,包含基礎設施建設優化和網路運營管理和優化;(2) 市場和精準行銷,包含客戶圖像、關係鏈研究、精準行銷、即時行銷和個人化推薦;(3) 客戶關係管理,包括客服中心優化和客戶生命週期管理;(4) 企業運營管理,包含業務運營監控和經營分析;(5) 數據商業化,指數據對外商業化,單獨盈利。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractBig data analysis has become a famous doctrine in marketing in recent years. Every enterprise that has huge database in the past puts in lots of efforts to study big data analysis. However, most teaching classes of big data analysis in the market nowadays are related to software techniques and lack of application in marketing agenda and tools in statistic analysis. Therefore, deconstructing the mystery of big data and seeing through the consumers’ behavior will be crucial to business’ revenue in the future. What’s the relationship between big data and marketing? Experienced marketing representatives know that in order to find out the key customers and marketing needs, they have to search in the huge database and try to figure out the meaning behind all kinds of numbers. Now with the big data tool, the difficulty in the past is no longer exists. It is critical to speculate how to affect customers’ behavior based on the analyzed results and transform the speculation into the solid business plan and implement it. From the perspective of business strategy, study big data according to the operation policy belongs to managing work; turning analyzed results into practical activity also belongs to managing work. Manages have to determine how to analyze data and have the ability to change strategy according to the analyzed data. This research will cooperate with a telecommunication company and apply its database. Through analyzed data from different information, the goal of this research is to find out the potential audio and video service This research will cooperate with the telecom company and apply its database to find out potential customers using audio and video (AV) service through data analysis. We want to make sales in this telecom company to understand its customers’ habits clearly through this research. Furthermore, we hope to increase revenue and service using percentage by finding out what customers really needs. It’s not easy for the case study to achieve its accomplishment. However, due to the constantly changing of markets and keen competition between industries, it’s worth to probe into how to keep competition advantages continuously and deliberate the strategy of sustainable development. According to the big data subject of applying big data in telecom industry in Dcplus website, this research has some suggestions for the case study : (1) network management and optimization, including optimization of infrastructure and network management (2) market and precision marketing, including customer image, study of customer relationship, precision marketing, real time marketing, personalized recommender (3) management of customer relationship, including optimization of customer service and management of customer life-cycle (4) management of business, including sales monitoring and analysis of business (5) data commercialization, commercializing the data and profiting solely. en_US
DC.subjectBig Dataen_US
DC.subjectMobile Interneten_US
DC.subjectData Analysisen_US
DC.subjectTelecom Companyen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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