博碩士論文 102453020 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorChih-heng Chengen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract回顧系統分析的演進過程,早期受限於程式語言發展與硬體效能,系統設計強調提供滿足需求的解決方法,以功能為取向。在C++物件導向式語言問世後,系統分析改以物件的角度設計,各物件可獨立運作,不再遷就主程式的控管。隨著資訊科技的進步,網際網路興起,資訊系統需與內外部的其他資訊系統進行訊息傳遞、資料交流等複雜的分散式運算。系統分析走向服務導向式架構,強調以服務流程的角度出發,以簡單、公開的通訊標準與其他系統進行跨平台的資訊溝通,無縫接軌。 近年來經貿全球化,各國政府戮力推動經濟自由與國際化,透過自由貿易協定洽簽,推動區域經濟整合,以強化國家競爭力。在金融產業方面,金管會為加速國銀國際化進程,積極輔導金融業者落實亞洲布局策略。配合海外分行設點,銀行也加速進行相關軟硬體升級。由於網際網路興起,法人客戶普遍使用企業網路銀行平台與往來銀行進行資金調度等作業,故一個整合性高且能快速擴充的跨國資金調度系統服務,是企業網路銀行平台的核心,更是各家銀行爭取法人客戶的重要工具,也成為各家銀行資訊人員努力的目標。 一個完善的系統設計需要具備易於測試、容易跨平台移植、容易維護與擴充、可以重新組織、程式碼易讀性高等特質。本論文研究旨在探討個案銀行現行企業網路銀行系統,在面臨海外分行快速擴點後,相關跨國資金調度系統模組整合與擴充的挑戰與問題,期能透過服務導向式架構的分析與重塑,提出易於擴充並縮短開發時程的解決方案。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn the retrospect of the development process of computer system over years, programming language has been emphasizing on the solutions resulted from the limited appliance in language and the hardware. Since the object-oriented programming C++ launched, the system was devised in the perspective of the objects which can be worked individually and no more restrain from the main program. Along with the progress in information technology and the rise of Internet, Information systems require for messaging and data exchange with other internal and external information systems for complex distributed computing. System analysis inclines to service-oriented architecture and stresses more on the importance of service flow. The technology standard should be structured in a simple and open way for cross-platform communication with other system seamlessly. Along with the globalization in economy and trade these years, governments make a lot of efforts to promote economic freedom and internationalization through free trade agreement for the purpose of regional economic integration and eventually strengthen national competitiveness. In financial industry, Financial Supervisory Commission (FSC) has tried to accelerate the globalization process of State Bank, actively assisting them to over all layout in Asia. In conjunction with branch presence, banks also expedite relevant hardware and software upgrades. Due to the rise of the Internet and the appliance of corporate Internet banking platform for capital allocation with banks, corporate customers generally require a high and rapid-expanded integration system service of transnational capital operations. This serves the core value of corporate Internet banking platform and has become an important tool for banks to compete for corporate customers. The information programmer in the banks also considers it as the only goal to aim at. A sound system design must be equipped with the features of being easy testing, easy cross-platform, easy to maintain and expand, reorganized and high code readability. The motif of this thesis is to explore the challenges and problems caused of module integrating and expanding corporate. Internet banking platform with banks on transnational capital operations while posting branches overseas. Through the analysis and remolding of service oriented architecture, I herewith propose solutions to easy extend and shorten development time. en_US
DC.subjectService-Oriented Architectureen_US
DC.subjectWeb Servicesen_US
DC.subjectCorporate Internet Banking Serviceen_US
DC.subjectTransnational Remittanceen_US
DC.titleService-Oriented Architecture(SOA) Reconstruction of Corporate Finance Platformen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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