博碩士論文 102521059 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYi-ching Yangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本論文目標在於設計並製作一架具有遙控探勘功能的球型機器人,其結合加速度計、陀螺儀、磁力計和無線網路攝影機,以監控機器人周邊環境並了解機器人當前狀態資訊。操控系統主要分成兩個平台,一為機器人藍芽遙控平台,接收機器人端的感測器資訊,並遙控機器人;另一平台為機器人周邊環境監控平台,用以勘查機器人前方視野及機器人在Google map上的位置資訊。機器人之驅動機構主要由擺錘和橫向重錘組成,橫向重錘的設計不同於以往重心偏移式球型機器人的轉彎機構,可使用轉矩較小且較輕的馬達驅動橫向重錘水平移動,控制球型機器人左右重心偏移位置以達到轉彎或平衡功能;另一轉矩較大的直流馬達控制擺錘擺幅和球殼轉動,以達到驅使機器人滾動之功能。為增加機器人行進的穩定度,本機器人分別對橫向重錘和擺錘之驅動馬達進行模糊控制,利用感測器回傳的機器人狀態資訊進行即時運算,控制器會對橫向重錘進行平移調整,以保持機器人左右重心平衡,使機器人能夠趨於直線前進、後退;另有一控制器於機器人行進時調整擺錘擺動幅度,控制擺錘達到靜力平衡狀態,使機器人能夠平穩的前進、後退,並維持無線攝影機不會劇烈晃動,使操控者能夠清楚看到機器人前方視野;於機器人轉彎控制,本研究利用橫向重錘平移造成機器人內部左右重心偏移的方式,使機器人機身傾斜,同時驅動擺錘擺動,以達到轉彎功能,此外,亦加入擺錘穩定態破壞控制以提升轉彎效能。由實驗結果證實,以上的控制程序確實對機器人行進和轉彎時的效能有極佳貢獻,且上述所有功能皆可成功展示。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn this thesis, a wireless monitoring spherical robot, combined with an accelerometer, a gyroscope, a magnetometer and a wireless camera, is proposed to explore unknown environments. The control system of this robot is composed primarily of a Bluetooth remote control panel and a monitoring panel. On the App of the Bluetooth remote control panel, users can easily gather the sensor information on this robot and can also control the robot with directional commands. On the monitoring panel, users can get the current field of view in front of the robot. With these panels, users are able to remotely control the robot and monitor the surroundings at the same time. As for the inside structure, the spherical robot is mainly driven with a pendulum and a horizontal weight. Different from turning methods of previous pendulum driven spherical robots, this robot makes the turn by shifting horizontal weight. For rolling function, a pendulum driven by a DC motor with large torque is used to make the robot rolling forward or backward. Concerning the balance control of this robot, while going forward and backward, two fuzzy controllers are respectively employed to adjust the swing of the pendulum until the pendulum reaches to an equilibrium condition and the shift of the horizontal weight in order to balance the robot. As to turning corners, the horizontal weight will shift and tilt the robot horizontally. Meanwhile, the bob will drive the robot rolling in order to make the turn. In order to improve the performance of turning corners, the bob changes the driving direction to break the balancing of the robot. According to the result of experiments, these control processes work effectively on the robot, and all the functions mentioned above can be performed successfully.en_US
DC.subjectrobotic explorationen_US
DC.subjectspherical roboten_US
DC.subjectfuzzy controlen_US
DC.subjectbalance controlen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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