博碩士論文 102522057 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorShiang-Yi Wangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract在升學至上的學習環境下,大部分的學生通常只在乎自己學得好不好,很少主動會去幫助其他學生學習,教師在課堂上也較少有關於利他的活動設計,在班級上難以興起一個互助助人的利他風氣。然而,隨著社群網站的興起,我們看到在同個群組中,有著共同目標的使用者主動分享資訊給他人,這些動作不完全只是為了自己,同時也幫助了他人。 有鑑於此,本研究提出一個結合社群的利他學習平台,平台以分組的方式呈現學生在課堂上的學習作品,由於學生可以在課後互相觀摩彼此的作品並給予回饋,而產生反思與學習的效果。與其他社群平台不同的是,我們配合教師的教學設計,並有班級經營的概念,學生透過平台上的利他機制,在班級上提升利他風氣。 我們實際將系統導入某國小,做為期一年的實驗,對象是以英文為第二外語的五年級學生,並根據英文教材設計每一課的教學活動。教學活動分為MiniPlay情境學習、Learning Mosaic小組活動和利他平台的觀摩學習。MiniPlay和Learning Mosaic為課堂上的活動,學生根據活動產出個人和小組的學習作品,並在課後到利他平台進行觀摩學習。 教師表示利他平台上的觀摩學習,學生可以藉由觀摩彼此的作品而達到學習的效果。此外,利他平台的活動設計,讓小組內互助的風氣有提升,學生也有主動幫助其他組的行為發生。然而,學生表示回家後能使用電腦的時間大多都花在遊戲上,學生在利他平台上較不活躍,所以系統可能需要更多的經營策略來維持學生的長期使用。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn the current exam-oriented learning environment, most students only care themselves for learning better, they seldom help others. Teachers also design less activity based on altruism. Therefore, it is hard to rise an altruistic atmosphere in the classroom. With the rise of social networking sites, we found that users will share information for each other in the same group. Those are not entirely only for themselves, but also help others. In the view of this, the study proposed a social e-learning networking sites toward the altruism. It presented students’ learning outcomes in the class by a grouping way. There is the effects of learning and self-reflection among students through observing others’ learning outcomes on sites after school. Compared to other social networking sites, we follow teaching design by teachers and system-design have the concept of classroom management. Through altruistic mechanism on the site, students enhance the altruistic atmosphere in the classroom. The altruistic site is introduced to one of the primary school locally and used in formal curriculum of English as a second language for a whole year. Teaching activities are divided into learning cinema, audio comic and observation on altruistic site. Students produced learning outcomes in the classroom through learning cinema and audio comic activities, and then observed others’ learning outcomes after school on the altruistic site. According to the participated teacher, they pointed out that students have a positive effects on learning through observational learning on the altruistic site. Besides that, it enhanced altruistic atmosphere in the same group effectively and students also have the initiative to help other students form different group by altruistic mechanism on altruistic site. However, according to the participated students, they show less lively on altruistic site because they spent most of time on playing game after school. Therefore, the altruistic site may require more management strategies to maintain student’s long-term use. en_US
DC.subjectAltruistic motivesen_US
DC.subjectAltruistic behaviorsen_US
DC.subjectSocial networking sitesen_US
DC.titleDrama Based Learning : A Social Networking Sites Toward The Altruismen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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