博碩士論文 102727007 完整後設資料紀錄

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DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract近幾年,跨國婚姻人數愈來愈多「新移民女性」儼然成為台灣的新族群。外籍配偶的來台,其中文化親近性也是婚姻選擇的關鍵因素,而絕大多數嫁至桃竹苗地區的印尼外配,根據資料顯示大多數為印尼客籍華裔。文化親近性讓她們在台適應良好,身在異鄉的她們說著似曾相似的客家話、生活上實作著與家鄉幾乎相同的習俗,但卻也容易面臨「自己是誰」的問題。 本研究透過訪談法以及參與觀察法,理解 4位印尼客籍外配的生命經驗,其遷移過程對她們的認同產生何種變遷?在移動後,她們的日常生活產生什麼樣的文化混雜現象?透過研究方法進入四位研究參與者的日常生活中,我們從認同意識、離散認同與文化實作三面向作為文章脈絡討論。 研究發現,無論是移動前後,印尼客籍外配的認同會隨著對社會情境與社會關係產生變化,並且也會因地域、原生家庭、夫家的態度產生不同的影響。在日常生活中,印尼客籍外配經常是在不經意的情況下衍生出文化混雜與不同文化經驗的連結,文化經驗的連結也透漏了被研究者認同的多樣與混雜性,而這樣的文化連結也涉及了文化的離散模式。另外,在多位研究參與者的身上發現,跨國的族內通婚對她們來說是重要的,因為被研究者會刻意強化一個在母國並不重要的認同選項融入在台生活,因此我們可以發現,「婚配」對於女性的族群認同轉變,是非常具有影響力的。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn recent years, the number of trans-national marriages has been growing. “The New Immigrant Women” obviously become the new ethnic group. One of the key reasons why these foreign spouses choose to immigrant to Taiwan by trans-national marriage is cultural intimacy. According to the research, most of the foreign spouses from Indonesia in Taoyuan, Hsinchu, and Miaoli area are overseas Hakka people. They are well adaptable to Taiwan’s environment due to the cultural intimacy. However, using the similar Hakka dialect, and practicing the nearly same customs as in their hometown, they are still prone to question themselves about “Who I Am”. To comprehend the life experiences of four Hakka spouses from Indonesia, the research use the interview method and participatory observation and aim to know how their identity change after they immigrant to Taiwan and what phenomenon of cultural hybridity has occurred in their daily life. With the help of the two methods, the researcher stepped into the four research participants’ daily lives. The research takes the three dimensions— identity consciousness, diaspora identity, and cultural practice—as the context of this article. The research results show that the identity of Hakka spouses from Indonesia would change with the social context and social relations. It’s also influenced by the factors of generation, region, family of origin, and attitude of the husband’s family. The cultural hybridity and the links of different cultural experiences are derived from these Hakka spouses’ daily life in Taiwan. These cultural links not only reveal the variety and hybridity to which the participants are identified with, but relate to the cultural diaspora modes. Besides, trans-national and inter-ethnic marriage is significant to these participants’ experiences. To adapted to Taiwan’s environment, they deliberately reinforce the identity that wasn’t important in their hometown. As this article found, “marriage” is influential to females’ ethnic identity. Keywords: Hakka spouses from Indonesia, Immigrant, Identityen_US
DC.titleThe Change of Identity of the Hakka Spouses from Indonesia in Taoyuan, Hsinchu, and Miaoli area.en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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