博碩士論文 102757003 完整後設資料紀錄

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DC.creatorChuan-huan Chungen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract在還我母語運動之後,客家意識覺醒,各式各樣的客家藝文活動如雨後春荀般展開。而過去被視為以閩南語表現為主的布袋戲,卻有一群人悄悄的以客語和客家元素,融入布袋戲表演方式,默默地為客家文化傳承和客語普及而貢獻。而客家布袋戲的存在,向來不被人所重視和注意。本研究想藉由書籍記載及論文期刊研究,回顧客家布袋戲在台灣發展的源流及歷史。並從中分析客家布袋戲和客家主流「戲曲觀」的異同,進而了解為何客家布袋戲在早期台灣並不普遍的原因。直到客委會成立後,鼓勵客家藝文活動,讓劇團的經營狀況有所不同。 本研究目的為探究「客家布袋戲與客家文化傳承」,並以「戲偶子客家布袋戲劇團」為例,探討目前客家布袋戲劇團的經營和理念。客家布袋戲的演出特色,及客家布袋戲的表演場合與觀眾分析。以及探討其劇團與「雙蓮客偶社」老師如何運用協同教學模式,利用創作性戲劇教學法,引起學生學習客家布袋戲,和客家文化與客語的與趣,讓國小學童能夠在潛移默化的手作體驗中,親近「客家」,達到文化傳承的目的。 研究中採用質化研究的文件分析、參與觀察、深度訪談等方法,進行資料的蒐集,並輔以資料數據分析。訪談對象為「戲偶子」的團員以及「雙蓮客偶社」的老師、學生和家長,採用半結構性的訪談;另外研究者以參與觀察方式,實地瞭解劇團到校,如何將客家元素融入布袋戲中,指導學生學習 ,學生學習客家布袋戲的成效,及學校、社團配合情形。用以探究客家布袋戲對客家文化向國小學童紥根的影響? 經本研究結果發現: 一、客家布袋戲的確存在於台灣的表演環境中。 二、客家布袋戲有助於國小學童學習客家文化及客語。 三、創作性戲劇教學有助於提昇學生學習客偶的興趣。 四、客委會成立讓劇團走向表演、教育並重的經營模式。 五、客家布袋戲劇團所面臨到的困境與解決之道。 總結本研究中所有發現,分別對客家布袋戲劇團、學校及社團教師、教育當局、客委會以及未來後續研究提出建議,以供參考。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractHakka puppet theater and transmission of Hakka culture: “PlayPuppet” as a case study Abstract After the Mother Tongue Language Movement, the Hakka consciousness was awakened, and various types of Hakka artistic and cultural activity developed quickly. Puppet theater, in the past primarily seen as being performed in Taiwanese, is being infused with Hakka and Hakka elements in their quiet contribution to the transmission of Hakka culture and popularization of Hakka. Existence of Hakka puppet theater has been overlooked. This study seeks to use monograph records and journal articles to review the origins and history of Hakka puppet theater’s development in Taiwan. This is used to analyze comparisons and contrasts of Hakka puppet theater to mainstream Hakka “view of drama,” and in turn learn about why Hakka puppet theater was not popular early on in Taiwan. It was not until establishment of Hakka Affairs Council, which encouraged Hakka artistic and cultural activities that changed the operational conditions for the troupes. The purpose of this study is to explore “Hakka puppet theater and transmission of Hakka culture,” using “PlayPuppet Hakka puppet theater troupe” as a case study to explore the current operations and ideals of the Hakka puppet theater troupes, the performative features of Hakka puppet theater, the performance occasions of Hakka puppet theater, and analysis of the audiences. The study also explores how the troupe and “Shuanglian Hakka Puppet Club” teachers used the team teaching model and the creative drama instructional method to elicit student interest in learning Hakka puppet theater, Hakka culture, and the Hakka language, so that elementary school students can become intimate with “Hakka” through their actual experiences, thereby achieving the goal of cultural transmission. The study used qualitative research methods including documentary analysis, participant observation, and in-depth interviews to collect data, supplemented by data analysis. The interview subjects are the members of “PlayPuppet” and teachers, students, and parents at “Shuanglian Hakka Puppet Club,” and semi-structured interviews are used. In addition, the researcher used participant observation to understand how theater troupes incorporate Hakka elements into puppet theater at the schools, how they instruct student learning, student benefits in learning Hakka puppet theater, and accommodation by schools and clubs. These are used to explore how Hakka puppet theater has affected Hakka culture taking root for elementary school students. Findings of this study include the following: 1. Hakka puppet theater does indeed exist in the Taiwanese performance environment. 2. Hakka puppet theater can help elementary school students learn Hakka culture and the Hakka language. 3. Instruction on creative drama can help elevate students elevate their interest in learning about Hakka puppets. 4. Establishment of the Hakka Affairs Council helped the troupe to develop a dual performance and education operational model. 5. The difficulties faced by the Hakka puppet theater troupe and solutions. All the findings of this study are summarized to propose recommendations for Hakka puppet theater troupes, schools and club teachers, education authorities, Hakka Affairs Council, and future research for reference.en_US
DC.subjectMother Tongue Language Movementen_US
DC.subjectHakka puppet theateren_US
DC.subjectHakka cultureen_US
DC.subjectteam teaching modelen_US
DC.subjectcreative dramaen_US
DC.titleHakka puppet theater and transmission of Hakka culture: “PlayPuppet” as a case studyen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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