博碩士論文 103125007 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorShu-Man Changen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract戰後琉球在美軍控制下進行各項重建,擁有每年約一億美元之外匯,是各國爭取外匯的熱門地方。為了發展臺琉貿易,臺灣省商業聯合會於1952年2月派出考察團赴琉調查商情。美方在琉球的商業部門也因臺灣與琉球地理位置相近,願意擴大對臺灣的貿易,琉球所需的物資如米、糖、茶、香蕉、鳳梨等,正是臺灣最豐富的物產,希望臺灣能多向琉球輸出,臺琉貿易就此展開。 1950年韓戰爆發後,臺灣與琉球成為防共陣營的一環,為防止各項物資走私至中國大陸,臺灣與琉球簽有「臺琉貿易協定」,開始進行記帳式的貿易。另一方面,隨著美軍放寬琉球人民參與政治經濟事務,1956年10月,琉球官員與商界人士首度組團訪華,臺琉雙方互訪次數不斷增加,為拓展商機,經濟部外貿會於1957年6月籌設「臺琉貿易推進工作小組」繼續加強推動貿易。 1945-1972年美國管理琉球期間,中華民國政府因無法依循外交管道與琉球政府接觸,必須另尋加強雙方互動貿易的辦法,且受到國際環境轉變影響,無論經濟或政治方面,臺琉之間的交流皆受到極大的限制。中華民國政府遂於1958年3月10日成立中琉文化經濟協會,以臺琉政經有力人士交流互訪為主,主張不透過政治力來促進雙方文化與經濟的交流。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractAfter the World War II, Ryukyu was under reconstruction, controlled by U.S. military. Holding one hundred million dollars foreign exchange every year, Ryukyu became a popular location where every country is fighting for in making foreign exchange. In February 1952, Taiwan Chamcer of Commerce(台灣省商業聯合會)sent a group of observers to investigate Ryukyu’s market, the purpose was to create an opportunity of trade between Taiwan and Ryukyu. Since, Taiwan is located fairly close to Ryukyu, the U.S. Business department in Ryukyu was in favor to expand trade with Taiwan commerce for Taiwan local produced goods ,such as rice, sugar, tea, cigarette, liquor, banana, pineapple and exedra. U.S. Business Department seemed for opportunity to trade with Taiwan more often because the quality of the goods and its abundance. Hence, the trade between Taiwan and Ryukyu was established. After Korean War, Taiwan and Ryukyu joined alliance to prevent communist; and goods that were smuggled into China. Thus, The ‘‘Agreement between Taiwan and Ryukyu’’(臺琉貿易協定) was signed to strengthen the relationship and in making the trade accounting-based. On the other hand, U.S. military ease up its control of people that were involving both political and economical affairs in Ryukyu. In October 1956 Ryukyu’s politician as well as commerce-man commenced the visit to Taiwan. Ryukyu’s trade with Taiwan had become intensify. Taiwan Ministry of Foreign Trade assembled a working group to forward the trade between Taiwan and Ryukyu in June 1957, its purpose was to expand business opportunity, and in addition to strengthen the trade with Ryukyu continuously. During the changing among the nations, and the period when Ryukyu was governed by the U.S. government, the diplomatic affairs associated with politic and economic were strictly regulated between Taiwan and Ryukyu. Therefore, Republic of China established the ‘‘SINO-RYUKYUAN Cultural Economic Association’’(中琉文化經濟協會) in March tenth, 1958. Its mission was focused on strengthening communication and support cultural and economical improvement without political reinforcement of diplomatic affairs between Taiwan and Ryukyu. en_US
DC.subjectAgreement between Taiwan and Ryukyuen_US
DC.subjectSINO-RYUKYUAN Cultural Economic Associationen_US
DC.subjectEconomy and trade exchangesen_US
DC.titleThe Research of Economy and Trade Exchange between Republic of China(R.O.C)and Ryukyu after World War II(1945-1972)en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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