博碩士論文 103125008 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract摘要 清末,林枝嗣家族十三世祖林暹,於乾隆7年(1742)前後,渡海來台。初居鹿港後循烏溪而上,至柳樹楠、霧峰地區開墾。開創林枝嗣家族最初基業。然在第15、16世卻與霧峰林家爆發嚴重衝突,由於林媽盛因素,兩家結仇時間,橫跨兩世代,讓林枝嗣兄長林泉加入戴潮春陣營,而事件後家產充公。族人林應時不甘田產遭沒入,契而不捨對霧峰林家發動法律攻勢,在雙方司法案件攻防下,最後於光緒7、8年間判決結束,林枝嗣家族得到補償銀,但在柳樹楠田產不再是林家所有。在戴潮春事件後,林枝嗣家族遷移南屯鎮平,林應時居烏日九張犁,林家進入一個風雨漂泊的危機,而在烏日地區,地方家族基本上不歡迎這個外來家族。為了重振家業,實質扎根南屯、烏日地方,新領導人林光輝採取了合作、協助鄉里,並挽回民心模式。1895年後進入日治時期,殖民統治讓所有台人皆面臨一次轉變。林光輝抓住契機,參與新興事業、產業組合,並透過宗廟創建修補了與霧峰林家關係。在林光輝帶領下也是林家中挫再起的階段,後續接班人林清雲更聯手在地勢力,爭取台人利益,追求與日人一樣平等的待遇。林青雲熱衷於南屯產業組合讓家族找到適合 致富舞台,直至昭和12年(1937),中日戰爭開前,也是林枝嗣家族最強盛期。但隨著戰爭嚴峻,南屯產業組合與各種農業團體,合併成為三級制的「農業會」。戰後國民政府來台,農業會面臨國家體制從上到下的改組合併,並成為各方勢力角逐領域。家族最後領導人林金聲,沒有因228事件而消逝,在農會改組議題上仍可見他的聲音,為累積分量,他更升任台灣省第二屆臨時省議會省議員,但在任期結束後,選擇默默淡出政治舞台。很快地,林枝嗣家族進入衰落期。 關鍵字:林枝嗣、林光輝、林清雲、霧峰林家、南屯產業組合、林金聲、臨時省議會zh_TW
dc.description.abstract The Research of the Lin Qi Si Family History ABSTRACT This article is intended to uncover the history of Lin Qi Si family. The paper discusses how Lin Xian crossing the Taiwan Strait to immigrate to Taiwan in 1742. Lin Xian is one of the first immigrants and he is the ancestor of Lin Qi-Si family. At first he lived in Lukang, then he followed the Wu River to the Wufeng area for land surveying. Lin Xian created the foundation of the Lin Qi-Si family. However, during the 15 to 16 generations, Lin Qi-Si family had a serious conflicts with Wufeng Lin. And because of Lin Ma-Cheng’s death, Lin Quan, Lin Qi-Si elder brother, joined Dai Chao-chun’s rebellion against Qing Dynasty. After the incident, some of the Lin Qi-Si family’ property was forfeited by the goverenment. Lin Ying-shih, a menber of the Lin Qi-Si family, filed a lawsuit against the Wufeng Lin. In 1882, the goverenment sentenced that Lin Qi-Si family can get recompense. But the land in the Liu Shu Nan were no longer belongs to them. After Dai Chao-chun’s rebellion, Lin Qi-Si family moved to Nantun Zhen Ping and Lin Ying-Shi moved to Wu Ri Jiu Zhang Li, they had to face the crisis of existence. In Wu Ri, locals did not welcome this foreign family. Lin Qi-Si family must win locals respect and extended family. Lin Guang-Hui, the new family leader adopted a cooperative attitude to help the locals affairs. The Qing Dynasty ceded Taiwan in 1895, Taiwan experienced a transformation under the Japanese colonial rule. Lin Guang-Hui took the chance to join the Cooperative Union which is a new development model of rural management. He led his family and his career to a new height ,and he reconciled with the enemy, Wufeng Lin. His successor, Lin Qing-yun joined political groups to fight for the interests of Taiwanese. Lin Qing-yun has a passion for Nantun Cooperative Union and made a fortune for the family. Lin Qi-Si family became rich and powerful, until 1937, Japan launched an all - out war of against China. As the war went grim, Nantun Cooperative Union and various agricultural groups were being reorganized into the three level Agricultural Association. In the end of World War II, Kuomintang government took over Taiwan. The Agricultural Association were being reorganized from top to bottom, it became a prize for interest groups. Lin Jin-Sheng, the last famious family leader wasn′t killed during 228 incident, he still express his opinions on the reorganization of the Farmer′s Association. Lin Jin-Sheng was elected to the Second members Taiwan Province Quasi-council. After the end of his term, Lin Jin-Sheng gave up on his political life. And Lin Qi-Si family went downside. Keywords: Lin Qi-Si, Lin Guang-Hui, Lin Qing-Yun, Wufeng lin, Nantun Cooperative Union, Lin Jin-Sheng, Taiwan Province Quasi-councilen_US
DC.subjectLin Qi-Sien_US
DC.subjectLin Guang-Huien_US
DC.subjectLin Qing-Yunen_US
DC.subjectWufeng linen_US
DC.subjectNantun Cooperative Unionen_US
DC.subjectLin Jin-Shengen_US
DC.subjectTaiwan Province Quasi-councilen_US
DC.titleThe Research of the Lin Qi Si Family Historyen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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