博碩士論文 103154007 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorBo-Ching Guoen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本文分別以現代哲學家分析動物實驗的倫理問題,與現代生醫科學的研發技術產物,以及動物實驗的法律與機構制度,試圖解決有關動物實驗的爭議。 辛格(Peter Singer)提出生命價值具有感受痛苦快樂與自我意識的特性,並界定出以痛苦感受能力為物種平等考量的判準。如果我們以動物作為實驗受試對象,我們應該同樣地平等考量具有相同感知能力的人類。辛格以動物實驗的效益為焦點,反對動物因實驗,如殘忍和不必要的重覆的實驗等,而遭受不必要的痛苦。 雷根(Tom Regan)以生命主體所具有本有價值(inherent value)的觀點說明道德行動者和道德受動者應享有直接義務與權利。由於動物作為道德受動者符合生命主體特性與適用於道德原則的應用範圍,動物具有被平等對待的權利。雷根認為,避免或禁止殘忍的動物實驗,則需給予動物足夠保護不受傷害的權利,以防止動物被當作純然的工具。雷根的強動物權利主張基本上否決一切動物實驗。 納斯邦(Martha C. Nussbaum)提出「同理心」(compassion)的道德原則,說明人類與動物在生理與心理上同樣具有的相似的脆弱性,因此動物在不應得的困境下所遭受的痛苦,我們會對動物有「同理心」與幫助行為的意願。納斯邦提出動物能力列表,關注的不只是動物的感知能力,也重視動物的情緒反應,展現出以人性情感的關懷並且引導對動物的道德責任。動物實驗應以同理心和動物能力列表來考量,特別強調對實驗動物在實驗前後應有的合理對待。 本文主張動物實驗爭議的解決,可從道德理論與實務層面著手。依據上述三位哲學家闡述動物所應具有的「福利」與「權利」,以及同理心關懷動物實驗,並且遵守動物實驗的法律與機構制度,運用現代生醫科學技術研發代替動物實驗的產物,減少動物實驗的數量,以改善動物實驗的困境與爭議。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThis thesis attempts to provide an acceptable solution for the long-term disputes on animal experimentation through examining the different arguments about animal experimentation ethics from contemporary authors, modern biochemical and relevant technology, and the laws and institutions for the animal experimentation. Peter Singer considered sentience and self-awareness as the most important characteristic of living creatures, and employed sentience as the criterion for judging equality among different species. Accordingly, use of animals to conduct experimentation requires us to consider equally the situations when animals are replaced by human participants of similar sentient capacity. Singer was argued against the use of animals to conduct cruel and repetitive experimentations. Tom Regan introduces the concept of inherent value to explain our direct duties towards “moral agent” and “moral patient”. According to his point, animals are subjects of a life and moral patients, and thus within the range of moral protection; therefore, animals have the rights to be treated equally as moral agents. To eliminate or prevent inhuman testing, he argued that direct animal obligation is an essential requirement in order to protect animals from injuries and being sacrificed under the interest-seeking activities of humans. His strong animal right standpoint amounts to a total elimination of all animal experimentation. Martha C. Nussbaum argued that compassion is the basis of our moral treatment of the similar vulnerability of physiology and the psychology found in animals and humans. According to her work, animals suffered in the experimentation motivate us to have compassion for them and to help them. The capabilities development list of animals created by Nussbaum had its focus, not only on sensation of animals, but also on the emotional responses of them, reflecting her humanistic concerns for animal testing and our moral responsibility for animals used in experimentation. This paper argues that acceptable solution for disputes on animal experimentation could be found from works of moral theories and practices. According to the well-being, animal right and compassion points of view advocated by the three philosophers mentioned above, proper laws and institutions should be established and maintained for animals testing, and modern biochemical and relevant technologies should be used to replace or decrease animal testing. By doing so, it is expected the plight and controversy over animal experimentation shall finally find its way out.en_US
DC.subjectanimal experimentationen_US
DC.subjectanimal welfareen_US
DC.subjectanimal righten_US
DC.subjectcapability approachen_US
DC.title論納斯邦(Martha C. Nussbaum)的動物正義進路─動物實驗爭議的解決zh_TW
DC.titleOn Martha C. Nussbaum’s Approach to Animal Justice: A Solution for Animal Experimental Controversyen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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