博碩士論文 103155007 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creator.Tso-Hsin Chenen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract1925年,出身「舊桂系」下級軍官的李宗仁、黃紹竑、白崇禧等人擊敗陸榮廷、沈鴻英,統一廣西。他們全都是新人而且職業身分是軍人,李白黃等人所統率的廣西集團,即所謂的「新桂系」有別於陸榮廷時期統治的「舊桂系」廣西集團。 新桂系集團從1925〜1949年統治廣西25年,「新桂系」在1925年擊敗陸榮廷、沈鴻英等大小勢力,統一廣西。緊接著新桂系與後來廣東的國民黨合作,首先出兵湖南參加北伐,李宗仁率第七軍轉戰兩湖、江西等地,屢立戰功協助國民政府統一全國,第七軍亦獲得「鋼軍」的美名。 全國統一後,新桂系集團一度統治過安徽、湖北等省。建立了「桂系王國」,這是它的全盛時期。但兩湖事變後,迅即崩潰,李、白、黃逃至香港等待時機。在部屬的擁戴下,李、黃、白重新掌握廣西的政權,經歷護黨救國運動,中原大戰,以及兩廣事變與南京中央雙方達成和解,攜手抗日。在抗戰期間,白崇禧在中央任職副參謀總長、軍訓部長,協助蔣中正規劃抗日戰略等事宜,李宗仁則擔任第五戰區司令長官,指揮眾多的雜牌部隊,贏得台兒莊大捷,是抗戰以來中國首次的勝利,舉國歡慶。 抗戰勝利後,李宗仁競選副總統成功當選,但是國共內戰同時進行,國軍在東北、山東、徐蚌戰事失利,蔣面對黨內外即經濟紊亂、崩潰等諸多的壓力,只有暫時引退,蔣下野前已做好人事安排以及各項布局,李宗仁雖成為代理總統,但蔣仍在幕後操縱黨、政、軍。李宗仁毫無實權,只是個令不出公門的掛名總統。和談失敗,共軍渡江,國民政府從南京遷都廣州。新桂系集團的白崇禧主張反共、剿共最力,原本期望能以西南各省為基地負隅頑抗,但大廈將倒,獨木難支,終究兩廣失陷,大陸全境解放。「新桂系」也隨著消逝在歷史的洪流之中。 關鍵詞﹕桂系、新桂系、李宗仁、白崇禧zh_TW
dc.description.abstract "New Quangxi clique "and Republic of China politics (1925 ~ 1949) Abstract In 1925, the old qwangsi clique of junior officers Li zongren, Huang shaoxiang, Bai chongxi and others defeated Lu Rongting, Shen Hongying, unified quangxi. They are all newcomers and professional identity is a soldier. Xingui Group from 1925 to 1949 ruled quangxi 25 years, the new quangxi in 1925 defeated Lu Rongting, Shen Hongying and other forces, unified quangsi clique, followed by the new quangsi clique and the Kuomintang cooperation, first sent to Hunan to participate in the Northern Expedition, Li Zongren rate The seventh army fought the Hunan, Hubei, Jiangxi and other places, repeated anti-war to help the national government unified national, the seventh army also won " The ever-victorious armyarmy" reputation. After the reunification of the country, the new quangxi group once ruled Anhui, Hubei and other provinces. Established the "royal kingdom", which is its heyday. But after the two lakes incident, quickly collapsed, Li zongren, Huang Shaoxiang, Bai Chongxi fled to Hong Kong waiting time. Under the support of the subordinates, Lee, Huang and Bai re-grasped the regime of quangxi.They experienced the protection of the Party and the National Salvation Movement, the Central Plains war, and the two sides reached a reconciliation with the Central Committee of Nanjing. During the war of resistance against Japan, Bai Chongxi served as deputy chief of staff in the central government, military training minister, to assist Chiang Kai-shek to plan anti-Japanese strategy and other matters. Li zongren is the commander of the Fifth Theater, commanding a large number of miscellaneous army , won the Taierzhuang Victory, China′s first victory since the war . The whole country to celebrate it. After the victory of the war, Li zongren election vice president was elected, but the Kuomintang civil war at the same time, the army in the northeast, Shandong, Xu clam war defeat, Chiang face inside and outside the economic disorder, collapse and many other pressure, Jiang has made good arrangements before the personnel arrangements and the layout, although Li Zongren acting agent, Chiang secretly is holding controls the matter of the party, government, military. Li zongren had no real power, but a public can not make the name of the president. After the failure Peace talks, the army crossed the changjiang river, the national government moved from Nanjing to Guangzhou. New quangxi clique of Bai chongxi advocated anti-communist, suppression of the most powerful, originally expected to be able to southwest provinces as a base for recalcitrant, after all, the vast territory of the mainland liberation. " New quangxi clique " also disappeared with the torrent of history. Key words: quangxi clique, new quangxi clique, Li zongren, Bai chongxien_US
DC.subjectquangxi cliqueen_US
DC.subjectnew quangxi cliqueen_US
DC.subjectLi zongrenen_US
DC.subjectBai chongxien_US
DC.title"New quangxi clique "and Republic of China politics (1925 ~ 1949)en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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