博碩士論文 103222026 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorChung-Yu Lanen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本論文是主要在對我們定義的「太陽能轉子」做研究,從最基本的材料、製作,到對參數的改變都是研究的題材。我們定義的「太陽能轉子」在本文是指利用表面張力會隨溫度變化的特性而運作的。我們實驗中太陽能轉子的設計是吸光材料、導熱材料以及絕熱底板的三層式設計,我們的材料選擇都是便宜且容易取得的,製作的過程也是相對容易。 製作方法是把吸熱材料直接附著於導熱材料上,再將導熱材料固定於絕熱底板上。我們轉子的設計重點在於,導熱材料的形狀設計是非對稱的,且和水面有小面積的接觸。我們讓轉子吸收聚焦陽光的能量,藉由導熱材料和水面的小面積接觸,讓水面在局部的溫度有所變化。這個局部溫度改變會產生表面張力的差異,轉子也因為表面張力差異產生的力矩而轉動。 我們對於轉子製作的材料部分,經過多種材料的解析之後,我們使用銅箔作為導熱材料,石墨作為吸熱材料,以及玻璃蓋玻片作為底板。這個實驗的參數改變包含太陽輻照度、銅箔與水接觸寬度、旋轉方向以及水溫。在我們的研究中,我們發現旋轉方向不同的轉子,行為上並沒有甚麼不同。然而,在太陽輻照度越強的情況下,轉子有越快的轉速,而兩者的關係是線性正相關。此外,水溫越低的情況下,轉子的轉速越快,轉速為水溫的二次函數關係。另一方面,接觸寬度的部分,對於本實驗而言是較為複雜的一個部分,轉速與接觸寬度之間的關係具有極大值。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn this thesis, we study what we call the “solar rotors” for their materials, structures and influence of different parameters. The “solar rotor” in this case is an application of surface tension as a function of temperature. Our solar rotor is a tri-layer design – a light absorptive material, a thermally conducting material, and a thermally insulating substrate. All materials are cheap and easy to obtain. The structure of our rotors is formed by coating absorptive material onto the thermal conductor, which is then fixed on the substrate. The most important thing is that the shape of thermal conductor should be asymmetrical for small-area contacts with water. We use focused sunlight to irradiate the rotor to raise temperature of the rotor, which in term heats the local water via small-area contacts. The local heating induces the gradients of surface tension. The different value of surface tension on different sides add up to produce a net torque on the rotor. That is the reason why rotor can rotate. After testing various materials, we decide to use graphite as the absorptive material, copper foil as the thermally conducting material, and glass coverslips as the thermally insulating substrate. The parameters studied in this thesis include rotating directions, solar irradiation, water temperature, and the contact length of copper foil with water. We find that different rotating directions make no difference in our experiment. However, the stronger solar irradiance faster rotating speed. The rotating speed is found to be linearly related to the solar irradiation. Furthermore, the lower water temperature, the faster rotating speed. The latter is a square function of the former. On the other hand, contact length in this thesis is complicate coefficient, there is a maximum value of rotating speed as a function of contact length. en_US
DC.subjectSolar Rotoren_US
DC.titleThe Making and Study of Solar Rotorsen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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