博碩士論文 103226052 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorMeng-Shao Linen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract隨著人性化科技時代的來臨,LED的發展從過去注重發光效率提升與生產成本的下降,開始著眼於智慧照明的發展,利用調光技術營造出在不同場合、不同情境下所需要的照明效果。本研究著重於研究社會大眾在學校、辦公室等,進行一般工作或是閱讀行為的照明情境營造,並利用科學方法找出使用者最舒適、最有效率的照明情境。論文中會利用統計方法,探討使用者以問卷評估在視覺偏好、視覺疲勞、身體疲勞、主觀閱讀績效四個面向的主觀感受,並且利用閃光融合儀量測與閱讀作業速度作為客觀的視覺疲勞與工作績效指標。 本研究共有兩個變因,分別為相關色溫(3000K、4500K、5700K)與工作面照度(200 lux、450 lux、700 lux、1000 lux)。完成36人次的正式實驗後,對主觀指標與客觀指標進行統計分析,若指標達統計上顯著差異,則會選用為建立燈具控制模型的基底。以下說明統計達顯著的項目。客觀評估部分僅在英文偵錯作業績效達顯著差異。主觀問卷評估部分,視覺偏好在照明亮暗、顏色喜好、顏色感受(偏紅或偏藍)、照明整體喜好上達顯著;視覺疲勞在乾澀痠痛、刺眼、視力模糊、注視困難、整體視覺舒適度達顯著;身體疲勞在整體身體舒適度上達顯著;主觀閱讀績效在字體辨識速度、閱讀速度、保持專心難易度、可工作時間達顯著。篩選出達顯著差異的項目後,可調整各個基底的權重來代表各指標的重要性,建立燈具的調控模型。此模型即為相關色溫與工作面照度兩個變數的函數,函數值越高代表使用者有越高的平均滿意度評分。可找出模型最高分位置作為最佳操作點,並繪出距離最高分位置一個標準誤的範圍,定義為燈具的舒適操作區域,可作為未來選擇用於室內工作或閱讀行為所需燈源的調控依據。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn this era of human centric lighting, the development of LED technologies not only focus on raising luminous efficiency and lowering production costs, but also the development of intelligent lighting and the use of dimming technology in different situations to create desirable lighting environment. This study considers the working or reading behaviors of general public in the office, school, etc., and uses scientific methods to find the most comfortable and efficient lighting scenarios for users. In this thesis, we will use statistical methods to explore the subjective perception obtained from the questionnaire in four aspects: visual preference, visual fatigue, physical fatigue, and subjective reading performance. The flicker fusion frequency and reading efficiency will be used to indicate the objective visual fatigue and task performance. There are two independent variables in this study, namely the correlated color temperature at three levels (3000K, 4500K, 5700K) and task illuminance at four levels (200 lux, 450 lux, 700 lux, 1000 lux). Upon completing the experiments with 36 participants, subjective and objective indicators were statistically analyzed. The indicators that are statistically significant will be used as the basis for the establishment of luminaire control model. The task performance in English character detection is the only significant factor in the objective assessments. The factors that are statistically significant in the subjective questionnaire assessments include: in visual preference the brightness perception, the color preference, the color perception (reddish or bluish) and the overall lighting preference; in visual fatigue the eye pain, blurred vision, difficulty in reading and the overall visual comfort; in physical fatigue the overall physical comfort; and in subjective reading performance the font recognition speed, reading speed, ease of concentration and work duration. After identifying the factors that are statistically significant, a luminaire control model for indoor working and reading activities is established based on these factors with user-adjustable weighting coefficients. A higher rating from the model implies a more satisfactory lighting environment. The location with the highest rating is the optimal operating point, and the suggested luminaire operating range is defined as the region within one standard error from the highest rating of the model.en_US
DC.subjectCorrelated color temperatureen_US
DC.subjecttask illuminanceen_US
DC.subjectvisual fatigueen_US
DC.subjectvisual comforten_US
DC.subjectluminaire control modelen_US
DC.titleResearch of the Smart Lighting Control for Indoor Working and Reading Activityen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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