博碩士論文 103226065 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorMing-Han Chanen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract圓錐型複合全像是1989年由日本K.Okada領導研究團隊提出了,其將二維的物體資訊以細長型的方式記錄於全像底片上,但在重建影像時影像,影像上會有一條一條的垂直條紋,我們稱為「柵欄效應」。而實驗室學長姐提出的成像面圓錐型複合全像術,是在拍攝時的物光和參光系統中加入柱狀透鏡,其改善了全像片彎折成圓錐曲面時所產生的「像散效應」,增加單張全像片可觀賞影像的範圍,以雙眼觀賞時,重建出形變量較小的三維立體影像,但還是會有形變的問題。為了改善影像的形變問題,林斯巖學長提出了彎折物面之反射式成像面圓錐型複合全像術,利用影像回推的概念,直接在拍攝中將底片成彎折成圓錐型,此方式避免了因彎折所產生的「像散效應」,因而重建出沒有形變的方塊。 本論文重點在於,利用彎折物面之反射式成像面圓錐型複合全像術的概念,並改善其缺點,我們將模擬出圓錐在物面的形狀,將底片彎折成正確的形狀而不是將它近似為圓錐面,並提出新的將三維影像資訊攤平的方法;也因為手動抽換底片太麻煩,所以還探討了物面換成LCD平面時,其結果的狀況及誤差。我們以電腦模擬全像片在觀賞時,在不同位置雙眼觀看到的方塊影像。最後,為了增加觀賞的範圍,在參光系統中加入了柱狀透鏡和擴散片,並且提出未來發展的方向。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe conical holographic stereogram was developed in 1989 by Japanese research team led by K. Okada. They recorded 2D image information belonging to different angles of the original object in a sequence of long,thin and fan-shaped areas of the recording film. Therefore, the reconstructed image will have many black stripes. It looks like viewing an image through a fence, called the “picket-fence effect”. This problem can be amended by using the image-plane technique. Before the study, they add cylindrical lenses in both the object beam and the reference beam to compensate for the “astigmatic effect”, produced when the hologram is curved into a conical surface in order to avoid deformation of 3D image.But the way can’t produce a perfect 3D image. In the study, we reshape the object information plane into a conical.But we use the right rather than the approximate shape of the bent surface,and we propose a new method to flatten three-dimensional images. However, this method needs to change the film manually. This is too much trouble,so we change the object plane to a flat. Although this method is very convenient,the image can’t lay on the conical surface perfectly. So we use the computer to calculate its deviation. And then,we also use the numerical calculation to simulate the holographic process and the reconstructed 3D images observed at different positions. At last,we want to increase the dimension of the vertical viewing window,so we add cylindrical lenses and diffuser in the reference beam.And we will propose some improved methods and possibility in the future development.en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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