博碩士論文 103352001 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract摘要 透過社會住宅維護管理及建築資訊模型( Building Information Modeling, BIM )手冊之架構探討建置統一標準,包含建置 2D 繪製標準、建置圖資資 料庫編碼原則、維護管理階段之建築資訊模型(BIM)建置原則, 並提供建築 資訊模型(BIM)元件編碼及共享之平台。 更透過桃園市社會住宅維護管理資訊系統, 探討維護管理階段有關社 會住宅之看屋選屋、 簽約公證、 收費請款、修繕維護、 退租申請之流程。 桃 園市政府興建首批社會住宅,第一處係為中路二號社會住宅,以只租不賣的 政策進行維護管理,提供物業管理、租賃管理、 URL 連結及用戶手機 APP 服務, 進行智慧化物業管理作為探討。 再考量維護管理階段社會住宅之建築資訊模型(BIM)運用,建立桃園市 社會住宅建築資訊模型(BIM)結合地震防災智慧城市模擬機制, 一起做綜合 性的考量與評估,以達成本研究的完整性。 最後透過以桃園市中路二號社會住宅為例,進行桃園市社會住宅於維 護管理階段之實例驗證,以物業管理的實際辦理情形進行驗證分析,並藉由 建築資訊模型(BIM)及地震模擬平台結合 GIS 數值地形, 運用 3D 建模技術 及空拍攝影, 不同氣象情況進行地震情境模擬, 將建築資訊模型(BIM)圖資 及 GIS 數值地形整合成果之展現,以浮空投影及 3D 曲面投影技術展示社 會住宅圖資倉儲系統相關資訊, 期望建置智慧資訊中心戰勤室之概念,未來 可達到以社會住宅為例於都市防災預防之成效。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractAbstract Based on the framework of the Social Housing Maintenance Management and Building Information Modeling (BIM) Manual, the establishment of unified standards has been explored, including the establishment of 2D drawing standards, the implementation of coding principles for the data databases of graphics, and the establishment principles of BIM during the maintenance management stage, coupled with the provision a platform for BIM component coding and sharing. Through the Taoyuan Social Housing Maintenance Management Information System, the process of housing selection, contract notarization, fee collection, repair and maintenance, and lease surrender application of social housing during the maintenance management stage were also examined. Taoyuan Municipal Government has constructed the first batch of social housing. The first one is the No. 2 Middle Road Social Housing which has been maintained and managed under the policy of "renting only, no selling". It provides property management, lease management, URL links and mobile APP service for users to implement intelligent property management. Additional consideration about the application of BIM of Social Housing in the maintenance management stage together with the establishment of Taoyuan Social Housing BIM and the earthquake disaster prevention smart city simulation mechanism have been consolidated for comprehensive consideration and evaluation to achieve the integrity of the study. Finally, based on the social housing in No. 2 Middle Road, Taoyuan, the empirical study on the social housing in Taoyuan City during the maintenance management stage and the analysis of actual management of the property management have been carried out. Through BIM and earthquake simulation platform, GIS numerical terrain, 3D modeling technology and aerial photography, earthquake scenarios under different meteorological conditions have been simulated for integrating with the results of BIM graphics and GIS numerical terrain. Furthermore, the floating projection technology and 3D curved projection technology were used to display the related information of the warehouse system of social housing, so as to establish the concept of intelligent information center battle room, thus making social housing as a paradigm of urban disaster prevention in the future.en_US
DC.subjectSocial Housingen_US
DC.subjectMaintenance Managementen_US
DC.subjecturban disaster preventionen_US
DC.subjectintelligent information centeren_US
DC.title建築資訊模型(BIM)於維護管理階段之運 用機制-以桃園市社會住宅為例zh_TW
DC.titleApplication of BIM of Taoyuan City’s Social Housing in the Maintenance Managementen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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