博碩士論文 103352015 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYi-Chieh Linen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract摘要 「台灣」,一個科技快速進步、經濟活動發達及凡事都講求效率的國家,網路速度越來越快、電力供應穩定、乾淨的水源這些隨手可得的資源都是隨著國家進步所帶來的成果,然而這些成熟的果實並不是一夜長大,是經過一、二十年的建設才有的。走到現在不論是過程還是結果,其中都有一個東西都在默默貢獻付出就是「管線」,它就像是一個國家的血脈,肩負著經濟脈絡運轉的重責大任,它的斷線小至社區大至城市就會像一個人中風一樣無法動彈,因此「管線」又稱為「維生管線」。 台灣因為經濟快速發展,民眾的生活水準也逐漸提升,幾乎家家戶戶都有電力、自來水、瓦斯、電視、網路,因為這些需求的與日俱增,早期為求快速解決需求的問題到處立電桿拉電纜,結果在大街小巷抬頭所見都是電纜非常雜亂。時代變遷,「需求」被滿足了就開始「要求」了,要求街道美觀、天際線乾淨,因此有了「電纜地下化」的想法,所以「維生管線工程」也在此時開始大量施工。 然而「制度規範」永遠趕不上「需求」,大量的維生管線工程也產生了大量的問題,如:路面下陷、掏空、破損以及人手孔高低落差、塌陷,不僅車禍事故頻傳,管線單位形象低落,就連政府機關也此背上道路維護不力的罵名。事後,在產官學的共同努力下許多制度規範、材料創新因應而生,問題才逐漸沒有持續擴散。 雖然「維生管線工程」的制度規範及材料都隨著時間不斷的演進,不過掌握工程施工的「人」卻沒有多大的改變,從學生十幾年前進入這個行業以來,從業人員的「觀念」、「態度」及「專業」一點也沒有演進,縱使規範及材料有了演進,也只是治標不治本,「人」必須要徹底想「變」工程品質才會從根本變好,這也才是真管理。真正的管理就是每個人都能自我管理,盡自己的本分。 現在,唯一改變的就是他們的年齡變老了,由於工作環境及職業形象的關係,年輕人多不會從事這個行業,導致從業人員的年齡有很大的斷層,也因此經驗與專業無法傳承,所以才會時間過了這麼多年「觀念」、「態度」及「專業」一點也沒有演進,產業沒有新血的注入怎會有新思維。 本研究希望藉由研擬從業人員專業認證的可行性,作為解決民眾、管線單位及政府機關三方面問題,與提升從業人員及承攬商雙層面形象的開端,為改善維生管線工程品質從不同以往的角度思考,也為延續產業生命貢獻一份心力。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractAbstract “Taiwan” is a country of rapid technological progress, many economic activities and of which everything pursues efficiency. That the Internet goes faster and faster, electricity supply remains stable and clean water sources are the resources easily available and such results are brought forth with the country′s progress. However, these fruits do not ripen overnight. Instead, it is the result of one or two decades of construction. Going forward all the way until now, no matter in the process or the outcome, there has been a contribution silently accompanied which is the “pipeline”. It acts as a blood vessel of a country shouldering a large economic context of the operation. Its breakage will render a small community or even a big city motionless like a stroke person who cannot move. Therefore, the “pipeline” is also referred to as a “subsistence line”. Because of the rapid economic development in Taiwan, the people′s living standards gradually improved, almost every household has electricity, running water, gas, television and Internet. Owing to these growing needs with each passing day, in the early period for the sake of a quick fix for the on demand problems, the results of a messy scene of cable poles in the streets were seen everywhere. Times have changed, the “demand” has been fulfilled therefore the “requirement” was generated, street aesthetics and clean skyline were requested, thus the idea of “underground cable” came to mind and the mass construction of “subsistence -pipeline project” began at the time. However, “system specification” never catches up with “demand”, a large amount of problems on the subsistence pipeline construction have occurred, such as: road subsidence, hollow way, damage and manpower hole gap and collapse, not only car accidents happened frequently and the pipeline institution presented a negative image, but also even the government agencies were thereafter plunged into infamy for their ineffective road maintenance. Afterwards, under the joint efforts of industry, government and academia to which in response, many rules and norms and material innovation were brought forth, so that the problem by degrees did not continue to spread. Although the system specifications and materials of the “subsistence pipeline project” have evolved over time, the “people” to the construction project have not changed much. Since I was a student and entered this industry more than a decade ago, employees′ “concept”, “attitude” and “expertise” have not evolved a bit, even if the specifications and materials change, it is only a temporary solution, the project quality will not be fundamentally changed to become better unless “people” desire thoroughly to “change”, this is real management. The real management is everyone be able to carry out self-management and to do their duty. Nowadays, the only change is that they become old, due to the work environment and professional image, most young people are not engaged in this industry, leading to a fraction in ages upon practitioners, therefore experience and expertise cannot be passed on, it is the reason that over so many years, “concept”, “attitude” and “expertise” have not evolved a bit. How can a new thinking exist if no new blood was injected into the industry? This study is to begin with the feasibility of elaborating employee’s professional certification as a solution to the three aspects which are people, pipeline institutions and government agencies, and to enhance the image of employees and contractors in order to improve the quality of subsistence -pipeline project by means of another perspective thinking different from the past, also to contribute an effort towards the continuation of industry.en_US
DC.subjectRegistered Technicianen_US
DC.subjectConstruction Industry Lawen_US
DC.titleElaboration on Subsistence Pipeline Engineering Employee’s Professional Certification Systemen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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