博碩士論文 103352026 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorHung-Wei Chenen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract都會捷運系統的營運,涵蓋土建、車輛、環境等相關設施,除了軌道電路與機電系統為核心設備,仍有眾多服務旅客,但非屬於核心設施,且與民間泛用系統相容的機電設備,可適度考量將保養或基礎養護工作,於營運穩定後,採勞務發包模式,引入專業承攬商的服務。捷運營運單位可更有效率的運用維修預算,並專注於車輛軌道機電等方面的養護。 本研究係依捷運系統內,電梯電扶梯設備之維護保養週期及維護保養所花費之時間與人工費率成本,以線性整數規劃最佳化模式,依各設備所需之維護時間進行週期保養,探討最佳的保養排程與成本需求,提供決策者對勞務發包的費用依據,或自身運籌人力之參考,以達最佳效益管理營運。為驗證本模式合理性與實用性,以桃園捷運系統內車站電梯電扶梯設備為範例,進行模擬;並以建構之LINGO求解模式所求得之勞務成本與人工經驗排程之成本進行比較,以驗證本研究最佳化模式產生的成本結果,確實較人工經驗排程下之保養節省成本。故本研究適合交通場站設備機組維護保養排程規劃及養護成本之相關問題,供決策者作為營運管理之參考。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe operation of Massive Transit System (MRT) covered related facilities such as construction, vehicle and environment, etc. In addition to the core equipment of electrical and mechanical systems, there were still lots of non-core equipment that were serving the passengers, and these non-core equipment were compatible with generic system in the private sector, therefore, the maintenance job of these non-core system can be appropriately considered, after the operation was stable, to be outsourced to professional service supliers. Meanwhile, the business operation department of the MRT can apply the maintenance budget more efficiently and focus on the electrical and mechanical part of the vehicle track. In this study, focuses were put on the maintenance job for elevator and escalator and time and labor cost spent on maintenance in MRT system. Meanwhile, linear integer programming optimization model was used, after considering the maintenance time for periodical maintenance based on each station’s characteristic, the optimized maintenance scheduling and cost need were studied. In order to verify the reasonability and practicality of this model, the elevator and escalator of MRT station in airport was used as example for simulation; meanwhile, the labor cost of scheduling obtained using the constructed LINGO solution-finding model was compared to that of scheduling based on human experience, the result was used to verify that the scheduling generated by the optimization model of this study can indeed save more cost as compaed to the scheduling based on human experience. This study is applicable to the maintenance scheduling programming and maintenance cost related issues of MRT equipment, hopefully, the result can be used as basis by the decision maker for labor outsourcing expense, or as reference for manpower arrangement by itself. en_US
DC.subject 維護保養zh_TW
DC.subject 線性整數規劃zh_TW
DC.subject 最佳化zh_TW
DC.subjectrepid transiten_US
DC.subject maintenanceen_US
DC.subject linear integer programmingen_US
DC.subject optimizationen_US
DC.subject LINGOen_US
DC.titleOptimization of Metor Repid Transit′s Equipment Maintenance Scheduleen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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