博碩士論文 103355005 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYi-Ching Leeen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract近年來建築資訊模型(Building Information Modeling, BIM)技術快速地發展,已逐漸受到營建產業的重視,加上政府機關亦積極將BIM技術導入公共工程中,希望藉以提升其品質及效率,促使更多的營建業者相繼投入資源於BIM技術的發展與運用。然而國內對於BIM技術應用的整體產業現況仍很模糊,相關政策與研究大多係以國外的調查資料為基礎。本研究藉由文獻分析後建立問卷,透過問卷調查針對國內營建產業之建設公司、建築師事務所、工程顧問公司、營造廠進行應用現況之調查,並比對國內外相關之調查結果,分析不同類型的廠商對於BIM技術的看法與評價、投入應用BIM技術的現況、導入BIM運用後所遭遇到的困難與議題、可能的成效與未來展望。經由第一次227份與第二次172份的回收問卷,本研究藉由統計分析歸納以下結論:(1)國內外使用BIM技術於專案的類型多為建築工程,但各單位使用此技術於專案數相對於國外甚低,顯示國內尚為發展初期階段。(2)國內所認為BIM技術的效益與貢獻與國際上雷同,主要為拓展新客戶與新業務、得到更好的整體施工專案成果以及減少文件的錯誤與遺漏並減少施工過程之衝突。(3)多數的受訪者認為目前國內BIM技術面臨最大的困難為BIM專業人員的不足,BIM技術與經驗仍不足,且需要使用之軟硬體成本過高。(4)各企業在未來將投入員工內部教育訓練資源,增加BIM技術使用率以提升效益。整體而言,本研究的成果可提供未來政府部門或廠商評估與應用BIM技術之基礎資訊,以利國內在應用BIM技術上更有效益。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractRecently, the Building Information Modeling (BIM) technique has been quickly developed and has received much attention in the construction industry. Some government agencies in Taiwan aggressively implement BIM technique in public construction works to improve works’ quality and efficiency. Therefore, private construction sectors in Taiwan step into implementing BIM technique followed by the government. Until now, the status quo of implementing BIM technique in construction works in Taiwan is ambiguous. Most of policies and researches related to BIM in Taiwan are based on the information outside the country. Therefore, it is necessary to construct such the fundamental information such as perception on BIM implementation from the industry, the status of implementing BIM technique in the industry and the anticipated benefits and encountered problems under implementing BIM technique. Using developed questionnaires based on literature reviews, this study conducted two surveys to obtain the responses from the construction development firms, architects, construction consultant firms and constructors. This study has performed basic statistical analyses on obtained 227 responses in the first survey and 172 responses in the second survey, and has compared the results with similar researches in Taiwan and other countries. This study concluded main findings organized as follows. (1) BIM technique has been implemented most in architecture projects but the number of projects is still small. This information shows that Taiwan is in the start-up phase of implementing BIM technique. (2) The benefits, including acquiring new client and business, obtaining better project outcomes and reducing the construction conflicts due to documents errors and omissions, from implementing BIM technique are similar to the outcomes based on other countries. (3) Most of the responses recognized that the most critical problems of implementing BIM technique are insufficient of BIM professionals, insufficient of BIM experience and high cost of hardware and software in implementing BIM technique. (4) The private sectors will invest in BIM related trainings to increase their BIM implementation rate and further imporove the performance of BIM applications. In sum, the information concluded in this study would be a basis for the government and the private sector to evaluate BIM implementation in the future.en_US
DC.subjectBuilding Information Modelingen_US
DC.subjectIndustry Statusen_US
DC.subjectQuestionnaire Surveyen_US
DC.titleSurvey and Analysis on BIM applications in Taiwanen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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