博碩士論文 103382601 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorPutri Adhitana Paramithaen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract隨著台灣經濟成長,企業、機構與組織的林立,城市的空間漸不足,生活圈持續擴大,以至台灣的路網逐漸繁密,因此道路的維護變得格外重要。本文涉及鋪面屬性、鋪面條件和交通屬性,以了解台灣高速公路不同維護週期的生命週期成本計算(Life Cycle Costing, LCC)和生命週期分析(Life Cycle Analysis, LCA)相關的使用條件,LCC作為替代投資分析,將鋪面的初始和未來貼現、用戶、維護和其他相關成本納入其中,嘗試決定最低生命週期成本的最佳價值,並滿足投資支出績效目標,因為LCA將環境影響和鋪面自身納入系統的整個生命週期,包括於生產、維護和使用階段時發生的影響,因此需要依靠高速公路大數據庫來進行分析,鋪面生命週期對於提高效率,充足性和可靠的資金佔有決定性的因素,同時也涵蓋了影響環境的大量能源和資源消耗。本研究針對台灣第三高速公路關西段進行分析。使用HDM-4模擬分析期間的總生命週期條件和成本,並對不同投資方案進行比較成本估算和經濟分析。收集並分析道路網數據、氣候數據、車流數據和交通數據。將HDM-4進行校正,使其考慮到鋪面破壞、PCI和IRI值,得到小週期維護更適用於關西段。研究成本比較表明,小週期維護成本在環境影響評估,總工務局花費和環境成本皆較高,然而針對(Global warming potential,GWP)的分析卻顯示小週期維護降低了全球暖化潛勢,比現行維護方式低0.46%~ 0.99%。台灣是藉由訂定最低IRI值1.75m/km來提高高速公路的服務水平,本研究同時證實,關西段近期維修使用情況優於以前的長週期,維護週期降低至1.5年可能會提高小週期維護的有效性。短週期維護方法可做為未來維護策略,建議選擇台灣高速公路其他區段進行後續研究。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractA low time interval of maintenance, lack of large-scale maintenance, budget limitation, environmental condition, increase of pavement condition standard, and increase of the transportation volume resulted in low pavement condition on the freeway. However, since 2013 Taiwan no longer focused on freeway construction. It intended to concentrate on short-cycle maintenance instead of long-cycle maintenance. Applied short-cycle maintenance indicates better road performance. However, it increases the budget due to the increase of maintenance interval. It becomes essential to embracing sustainability as an effective tool to assist in the selection of maintenance treatments for the roads. As an important feature of sustainability, Life Cycle Cost (LCC) emphasizing engineering economic, while Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) emphasizing environmental factors. The historical freeway database is needed for analyzing the pavement life cycle and long-term road network performance as a function of traffic volumes, traffic loading, pavement type, pavement condition, and maintenance standards. Calibrated HDM-4 used to simulate total life cycle conditions and costs for an analysis period with comparative cost. It estimates an economic analyses of different investment options. Road network data, climate data, vehicle fleet data, and traffic data were collected and analyzed. Based on the analysis of pavement distress, PCI, and IRI value, the result shows applying short-cycle is more acceptable for maintenance in Guanxi section. The Global Warming Potential (GWP) result shows that short-cycle maintenance contributed the smallest GWP with 0.46% up to 0.99% lower than another maintenance type. Maintenance interval, material consumption and pavement roughness would also be identified to impact the environment in this study. Therefore, integrated analysis for engineering LCC, environmental LCA, and IRI by Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to the Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) shows short-cycle as an optimum maintenance option. Likewise, this study validates that recent maintenance use in Guanxi section is better than the previous long-cycle while reducing the maintenance interval to 1.5 years might decrease the maintenance cost of short-cycle maintenance. This maintenance method worth for the next study and could be used as future maintenance strategy in another freeway sections in Taiwan.en_US
DC.subjectlife cycle cost analysisen_US
DC.titleEngineering and Environmental Analysis of Maintenance Interval in Taiwan Freeway -the Case of Guanxi Sectionen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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