博碩士論文 103426001 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorPo-Hsun Luen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract水是生命中不可或缺的物質,但是面對環境與氣候嚴重的日益變遷,水資源已不再像以往般豐富,雖然地球上有大部分的面積被水覆蓋,然而可以被我們所利用的淨水資源卻不到全部的百分之三,全球許多地區對水的需求更是已遠超過水資源所能負荷的程度。由其在台灣,因為近年來的降雨量分布不均,導致許多地區面臨限水的困境,嚴重影響民生用計與企業經營。因此,如何更精確的掌握水資源運用狀況,並完善的規劃與分配顯然是為當今重要之議題。 面對水資源問題,許多國家亦提出許多相關研究與討論,先前已有研究中進一步將虛擬水的概念發展為水足跡,並視為產品在水資源使用上的綜合性指標,成為未來必須揭露之資訊,達成環保及永續發展的理念,亦可作為企業對水資源管理的認知與投資風險的控管。 本研究以台灣彩色濾光片產業為研究對象,因為面板產業不管是在直接或是間接的層面上都是會使用水資源的產業之一,而彩色濾光片更是液晶面板的關鍵零組件,佔了整個面板成本的20%。因此本研究想藉由供應鏈的角度去探討,不同的上游供應商原料的採購數量組合,在彩色濾光片製程上耗水量的影響,亦即從原料到製造,和運送的過程,利用數學規劃的方式,以單目標規劃取代原本應為複雜的多目標規劃,並導入環境成本的概念,將水足跡量轉換成貨幣單位,一同做供應鏈成本的最佳化運算,計算出其每一期生產每單位產品所需的最低藍水足跡量和供應鏈成本,並且針對不同的情境下做敏感度分析,分別為環境成本的改變以及水足跡的總量控制做敏感度分析,讓企業能夠有個具體的參考指標,對水資源作更有效的利用。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractWater is an integral substance of life. However, due to serious changes of environment and climate, water resource is no longer abundant. Although the earth is mostly covered by water, the quantity of fresh water that human can use is less than 3%. What’s more, water resource is insufficient in many regions around the world. In Taiwan, because of the uneven distribution of rainfall in recent years led to many regions are facing the water restriction, and having severe impacts on people’s livelihood and business. Therefore, how to utilize water resources efficiently has become an important issue nowadays. To deal with the water resource problem, many researchers have made a number of related researches, and developed the “Water Footprint” from the concept of “Virtual Water”. Water footprint can be seen as the comprehensive index for the product water use, and can also be the awareness of water resource management as well as the risk control for the business. This study focuses on the color filter industry in Taiwan. TFT-LCD is the industry which requires water resources directly and indirectly. Color filter is the key component of the TFT-LCD, and shares the 20% of the entire cost. Thus, the purpose is to construct a mathematical model in respect of the blue water footprint and operation cost for the color filter supply chain, considering different combinations of raw materials from different suppliers, manufacturing processes, and transportation. In this study, we use single objective programming, and introduce the concept of environment cost, which is a way to convert the water footprint into monetary unit so that the model can optimize the supply chain cost and the water usage. In addition, this study also conducts the sensitive analysis of two scenarios, which are the changing of environment cost and total amount control of water footprint so that the company can have a better reference index, and utilize water resources more efficiently.en_US
DC.subjectSustainable developmenten_US
DC.subjectGreen supply chain managementen_US
DC.subjectMathematical programmingen_US
DC.subjectWater footprinten_US
DC.subjectGreen supplier selectionen_US
DC.subjectColor filteren_US
DC.titleSupplier Selection with Consideration of Product Water Footprinten_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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