博碩士論文 103430001 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYun Chung, Chouen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract從1987年成立那一刻起,台積電用其獨特事業模式開創了晶圓代工業及無晶圓廠半導體業兩個重要產業,並靠著製程技術領先及高附加價值整合服務,一直以來長居全球晶圓代工龍頭位子。目前在全球晶圓代工業營收市佔率過半,同時,龐大獲利與經濟規模對台灣的經濟及科技發展影響顯著。 但近年來,中國半導體產業靠著內需成長及政府扶持崛起,該國企業同時也以挖角、併購等方式快速取得技術及規模,讓中國半導體的國際影響力越來越大。其中中芯國際作為中國晶圓代工龍頭,近幾年在營收、利潤率、產能利用率上屢創新高.成長有目共睹,有可能在未來對台積電造成威脅。 本研究運用鄭漢鐔博士獨創8十事業模式比較台積電與中芯國際近年的營運模式及獲利模式,分析其優劣並觀察兩家公司在外部環境下的機會及威脅,再根據這些分析判斷中芯短期內對台積電構成威脅的可能性,最後提供台積電未來在中國的事業模式調整作為本研究建議的參考。 本研究結論如下: • 從8十模式的各個角度分析,中芯國際本身短期內不具超越台積電的能力,但由於中國政府的傾力扶持及國際大廠的技術合作,預期中芯成長速度將大幅加快,在不遠的未來對台積電帶來威脅。 • 對於中國市場的崛起,建議台積電在未來加強留才及人才培養機制,將更多資源分配到成熟製程的功效強化上,並有計畫的轉守為攻,進軍中國。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractSince established in1987, TSMC’s unique business model not only made it become the largest IC Foundry in the world, but also created two kinds of substantial industry including IC Fabless industry and IC Foundry industry. Owing to the cutting edge technology and high added-value services , TSMC has reach over 50% market share in the IC foundry industry now, at the same time, it’s large economic scale have been contributed a great help to Taiwan’s technologic and economic environment. However, thanks to government’s help and the fast growth of semiconductor market, China’s semiconductor industry has been entering into a highly growth era, and their company also enlarge their business scales and technical skills through merging and poaching, making China’s semiconductor industry become more important than ever . As the biggest IC foundry in China, SMIC’s many aspect of performance such as revenue, marginal rate and capacity utilization rate has achieved highest record this year, so it looks like there is a really good chance that SMIC become a threat to TSMC in nearly future. This research analyze TSMC and SMIC’s business model through 8 cross business model and SWOT analysis. Base on the result, we analyze the possibility that SMIC will become a threat to TSMC, providing some advice for TSMC’s business model in the future. The conclusions of this research are below:  Judging from every aspect of 8 cross business model, SMIC seems doesn’t have any chance to transcend TSMC in nearly future, however, because of the support from China government and assistance of other global companies, SMIC might become a huge threat to TSMC someday.  Due to the rising of China market, this research suggest TSMC to enhance human resource training mechanism, allocating more resource to develop dominant technology’s performance, and try to be more proactive in China market. en_US
DC.titleUsing 8-Cross Business Model to Analyze TSMC’s Strategy on Semiconductor Market of Chinaen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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