博碩士論文 103450018 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorI-Yuan Huangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract台灣地理環境地小人稠,有利推廣電動機車,但為何在政府這幾年來大力推廣下銷售仍無法突破,無法讓電動機車普及,累計六年來僅銷售15萬台(電動機車:4.5萬,電動自行車10.5萬台),銷售成績與原先計畫落差非常大,且電動機車的銷售法人更是佔了30%以上,一般消費者為何不能接受,到底消費者心裡想的是什犘?要如何影響消費者的購買行為?產品又應該要如何設定,才能滿足一般消費者的需求,那法人要的又是什犘?車廠要如何將市場明確區隔,設定滿足不同族群的產品,提升市場銷售,故針對電動機車之市場做研究,並以目前市佔率最高的中華汽車為例個案解析。 本研究分析台灣電動機車消費者的購買決策過程,以產品的屬性及客戶需求重要性作為市場區隔的基礎,繼而以人口統計變數描述區隔的特徵,並分析各區隔的購買決策過程,供業者制定行銷策略之參考。結果將消費者區隔為「經濟型」、「資訊型」、「外顯型」及「實用型」,並發現不同區隔之消費者在人口統計變數及購買決策過程有顯著差異,業者應依不同區隔擬定不同行銷策略,方能滿足消費者的需求。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractTaiwan is an idea market for promoting Electric Scooter (ES) by virtue of its high rate of population density and small geographical area. However, Taiwanese government has spurred on the idea of ES recent years, it is still difficult to popularize the use of ES and stimulate the sales of ES. Only 150 thousands ES were purchased over the past six years. (45 thousands ESs; 105 thousands Electric Bikes) The result of ES sales is far below the expectation. Particularly, over 30% of the ES buyers are from commercial use. The purpose of this research is to investigate ES markets. Therefore, it is necessary to figure out what’s the key factors that influence consumers’ buying decision; what is customer’s expectation to ES; how to influence consumer behaviour in terms of the ES market; how to develop product mix to fulfill customer demand; what is business users’ expectation; how to clarify market segmentation and satisfy various group demand and increase the sales eventually. The research focus on China Motor Corporation (CMC) which enjoys the highest market share in Taiwan ES markets as a case study analysis. The research analyses consumer purchase decision process and targets market segmentation based on products and consumer demand. After that, the research presents the attributes of market segmentation according to the demographic variables. Finally, the research analyses different market segments during the purchase decision process as a reference for proprietors as ES marketing strategies. The market segmentations can be divided into four groups including“economic type”, “information type”, “appearance type”, and “functional type”. The research found that demographic variables and purchasing decision process can be seen the considerable differences among market segmentations. Therefore, the proprietors are required to use different marketing strategies for different segmentations to meet customer satisfaction.en_US
DC.subjectElectric Scooteren_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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