博碩士論文 103451002 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorKai-Quan Zhangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究提出以「知覺價格、知覺品質、道德強度、道德判斷等變數,並以綠色程度為調節變數,對綠色產品購買意願之影響為何」作為研究主題。以跨層次階層線性模型,聚焦於群體層次(綠色程度)及個體層次(知覺價格/知覺品質)兩大層次,進行對於道德強度及道德判斷之影響探討,並研究道德強度及道德判斷會對「綠色產品購買意願」產生何種影響。本研究以一般社會人士為研究對象,在428名人士同意下發放紙本及網路問卷,並進行不記名調查,回收之428份問卷中,其中302份為紙本問卷,餘126份為網路問卷,有效問卷回收率為54%。 本研究所探討之內容主要分為三部分。首先,探討道德強度及道德判斷對綠色產品購買意願是否有正向影響。接著,探討知覺價格及知覺品質對道德強度及道德判斷是否有正向影響;最後,以綠色程度為調節變數探討知覺價格及知覺品質對道德強度及道德判斷之關係影響。研究結果顯示:道德強度及道德判斷對綠色產品購買意願皆具有正向顯著影響;知覺價格對道德強度及道德判斷皆具有正向顯著影響;知覺品質對道德強度及道德判斷皆具有正向顯著影響;在知覺價格對道德強度及道德判斷之關係中,綠色程度能正向調節知覺價格與道德判斷之關係,但對知覺價格與道德強度之關係則無法有效調節;在知覺品質對道德強度及道德判斷之關係中,綠色程度能正向調節知覺品質與道德判斷之關係,但對知覺品質與道德強度之關係則無法有效調節。 本研究貢獻如下:第一,探討產品知覺價格及知覺品質感受對道德強度及道德判斷之影響,將能深入了解消費者在進行購買行為時,產品的相關變數對於道德強度及道德判斷之影響為何;第二,透過以綠色程度作為調節變數,探討知覺價格及知覺品質對道德強度及道德判斷之關係影響為何;第三,探究道德強度及道德判斷對綠色產品購買意願之影響,可提供組織內部作為創新及行銷之參考依據。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThis study uses the variables including Perceived Price, Perceived Quality, Moral Intensity, Moral Judgment and Green Degree as the moderator to verify the influence of the Green Product Purchase Intention.Using multi-level hierarchical linear modeling to focus on group level (green degree) and individual level (perceived price/ perceived quality). This study then discuss the influence of the moral intensity and moral judgment and the how they affect the green product purchase intention.This study conducted anonymous questionnaire for 428 general public. 302 of the returned 428 questionnaires are web-based questionnaire and the remaining are paper-based. The contents of this study are divided into two parts. First, verify whether moral intensity and moral judgment have positive effect on green product purchase intention. Then discuss if perceived price and perceived quality have positive effect on moral intensity and moral judgment. The last, using green degree as the moderator to explore how perceived price and perceived quality would affect moral intensity and moral judgment. The results shows that moral intensity and moral judgment have significantly positive effect on the green product purchase intention. Perceived price and perceived quality also has the significantly positive effect on the moral intensity and moral judgment. In the relation of perceived price to moral intensity and moral judgment, green degree could be a positive moderator. But for the relation between perceived price and moral intensity, it would be malfunctioned moderator. In the relation of perceived quality to moral intensity and moral judgment, green degree could be a positive moderator. But for the relation between perceived quality and moral intensity, it would be malfunctioned moderator. The contributions of this study as below: 1.To discuss the influence from perceived price and perceived quality on moral intensity and moral judgment could deeply verify how the factors of product affect the moral intensity and moral judgment when consumers purchasing. 2. Using green degree as moderator to verify how perceived price and perceived quality could influence the moral intensity and moral judgment. 3. To explore how moral intensity and moral judgment could affect the green product purchase intention. It could also be the reference for internal information to innovate and marketing.en_US
DC.subjectGreen Degreeen_US
DC.subjectPerceived Priceen_US
DC.subjectPerceived Qualityen_US
DC.subjectMoral Intensityen_US
DC.subjectMoral Judgmenten_US
DC.subjectGreen Product Purchase Intentionen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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